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Apr 23, 2008
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I didn't see a thread for this site west of Yonge Street.

18 storeys. 221 units.
President: Luca Menchetti

Staff Report

Will replace several boarded up semis.


Parking lot could become condo tower
An 18 story, 230 unit block proposed for site

By Kris Scheuer
March 3, 2010

A North Toronto parking lot could soon make way for a highrise condo tower.

That’s the plan for a surface car lot on the northeast corner of Orchard View Boulevard and Duplex Avenue.

Originally the developer proposed a 20-storey building but the revised version is shorter at 18 storeys with 230 units, says city planner Christian Ventresca.

Eglinton-Lawrence Councillor Karen Stintz said there are still some issues to work out regarding this application.

“There are still concerns about height, concerns about the entrance and exit (vehicles access) for the site and it’s dominating that corner,†she said. “If it’s an unchanged application, there’s not much the city can do. It’s up to the developer if they want to make changes to the height and density.â€

Stintz has contacted the developer a few times in recent months for an update and hasn’t heard back. The Town Crier contacted the developer’s law firm and did not get a response by press time.

Further background reports on this site reveal that a different plan was proposed for a 17-storey, 185-unit condo tower that was refused by the city in 2003. On site there used to be three semi-detached homes that were rented out, but after they were vacated the previous owner let the units fall into disrepair.

At the time residents complained the abandoned dwellings were unsafe and full of garbage. They were demolished in 2005. The new owner Orchard View Holdings Inc. took over the site and in 2007 got approval from the committee of adjustment to build a temporary parking lot.

So far no decisions have been made on the current proposal for an 18-storey condo building.
Thx to urbanation, I became aware of this article:

Taller, slimmer building will preserve co-op views, councillors say

North York councillors have approved a taller and slimmer highrise condominium building at Orchard Heights Boulevard and Duplex Avenue to preserve the views for residents of a neighbouring housing co-op.

The 20-storey development, proposed by developer Orchard View Holdings a block northwest of Eglinton Avenue and Yonge Street, must still be approved by council at its Aug. 25-26 meeting.

The developer had planned a 17-storey, wider building for the site.

But neighbours said the controversial development left the community full of "outrage" and "fury".

Dozens of residents packed the North York community council meeting Tuesday Aug. 17 to complain the highrise was excessive and inappropriate.

Ann King, chairperson of the board of directors of the Stanley Knowles Housing Co-op, said the wider building would cut off views for seniors and people with disabilities living in the co-op.

Eglinton-Lawrence Councillor Karen Stintz is hoping the community can accept the highrise after compromises were reached.

"I hope so. It reflects what the community asked for," said Stintz, adding councillors also accommodated residents' requests for a lower density, setbacks from the street and fewer floors on the wider base at street level.
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What a terrible name for a building that looks like this:


That's the 17 storey model of course, not the revamped 20 storey one.

If you're going to go with a name like Neon, go on a flashy strip, like Yonge, not Duplex, and make it tall and lean and give it a real glow - tint the windows or something.

from urbanation's twitter feed, they now have a website......

edit: just googling around, the address for this is 58 Orchard View Blvd.....
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I think this article is talking about this building:

Fight over Yonge and Eglinton condo begins

Claiming building is just too big, locals take developer to the OMB

An approved 20-storey condominium building to be built just behind the RioCan Yonge Eglinton Centre will go before the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) this summer. Locals said they fear the building sets a frightening precedent and that it will bring a loss of quality of life for the affordable-housing residents next door.

“It impacts the availability of light and the view for our seniors,†said Ann King, board of directors chairperson for the Stanley Knowles Housing Co-operative. Stanley Knowles is joined by the Avenue Road Eglinton Community Association (ARECA) in appealing the development, which is slated for the corner of Orchard View Boulevard and Duplex Avenue. ARECA members fear that, because the development will be built at the edge of a residential neighbourhood, it will pave the way for other large-scale developments to encroach on residential areas. “Allowing such a tall building on this site is completely out of the city’s policy,†said Patrick Smyth of ARECA. “There are limitations.†Traditionally, buildings between high-density commercial areas and residential neighbourhoods act as transition pieces, meaning they are smaller than their skyscraper neighbours and impose less on the nearby two-storey homes.

Coun. Karen Stintz admitted that the development approval process had been a difficult one. She also said that just before the proposal was approved by council the plan was changed to make the building taller but slimmer. “The amendments made largely reflected concerns raised specifically by Stanley Knowles,†said Stintz.

According to Adam Brown, lawyer for owner Orchard View Holdings, the developer will continue with approved plans. Brown also said he believes they will have a strong case before the OMB. “This client is honourable,†he said. “We’re not backing away.â€

The date for the OMB hearing is Aug. 4.


They also have a website: (that's what she said?), which is mostly an old site promoting Terry Mills for Councillor.
A block from Eglinton station is the perfect place for a 20 storey condo. Have they seen the Yonge Eglinton centre across the street?
We're prepped for battle at the OMB

ARECA, along with the Stanley Knowles Cooperative — with the endorsement of the Federation of North Toronto Residents Associations (FoNTRA) — are proceeding to the Ontario Municipal Board on Aug. 9 to appeal the proposed Neon development at the northwest corner of Orchardview Boulevard and Duplex Avenue, beside the Northern District Library.

“If the Neon gets built it will become the developers’ poster boy for ignoring transition when building beside our neighbourhoods,†said planner Terry Mills of Arris Strategy Studio. “The Neon has the greatest exception for zoning heights, densities and set-backs in North Toronto.â€

The Neon ignores the transition called for in the official plan and in the Yonge Eglinton Secondary Plan whenever a development in a centre, mixed-use area or apartment neighbourhood is beside a residential neighbourhood.

Furthermore, it exceeds the existing zoning density by 1,000 percent an increase four-times greater than the Minto project. It exceeds the existing zoning height by 480 percent, 2.5 times greater than Minto.

The proposed Neon building is situated right on the library’s property line, significantly blocking its light. The building would cut off views for seniors and people with disabilities living in the Stanley Knowles Housing Co-op built above the library, said Ann King, chair of the co-op’s board of directors.

In addition, it places 60 of its apartments right along the library’s property line grabbing the library’s air rights without any compensating payment.

“In these days of City of Toronto cost and revenues it is shocking that the city-run library board are oblivious to the revenue that they are ignoringâ€, said Patrick Smyth, director of planning and development for ARECA.

Dumb.. this will be at the corner of an intersection with two transit lines.. People in the area simply dont want to accept change.. I hope they get shot down. If anything this place could be seeing 30+ floors and they are complaining about 20. Move to Caledon if you dont want buildings beside you. Im sorry I lack sympathy but this is a CITY!
Dumb.. this will be at the corner of an intersection with two transit lines.. People in the area simply dont want to accept change.. I hope they get shot down. If anything this place could be seeing 30+ floors and they are complaining about 20. Move to Caledon if you dont want buildings beside you. Im sorry I lack sympathy but this is a CITY!

Not only do I lack sympathy, as you called for I hope they get a 30+ story building here ... I should seriously attend the meetings and argue such.
