Amusing how some local nimbies are opposed to the height here. I'd say 8s should become the norm, and many many buildings along this section of Dundas are crap and should be redeveloped, the entire block to the west and south for starters...

Lotsa ppl ask me for advice on where to buy condos to live--should I become a consultant perhaps? ($$$:D) My answer is always go for small neighbourhood buildings such as this project with zero amenities in the building but tons within walking distance! This project for example kills anything built in CP....

The building is interesting and there's no doubt the Dundas strip needs redeveloping - but the height of this thing is a big problem. Speaking as a local nimby, we stand to lose a lot of sunshine and all of our backyard privacy. Amusing for you; a great deterioration in quality of life for us and all our neighbours.
Err, nonsense! You won't lose any privacy or any sunshine, or at any rate, very little. The houses across the street from my 16s highrise consistantly sell for higher prices, now in the millions! The owners certainly aren't concerned about privacy, chilling on their front porches, doing yard work as usual, and generally showing off their shiny mercedes etc at all hours.

What you will gain: higher single family home prices, as the area moves from working class to posh class.:D

So, here's what I'd do--buy up your rubbish bungalows on Manning and take the dozer to them, then build a row of 6s townhouses, like in Montreal! Go to Mtl and ask the millions of residents of 6-8s buildings if lack of light and privacy affects their lives!
great to see development finally hit this stretch of dundas. IMHO any development of Dundas is an improvement of the current situation.
This is a beautiful design. The entertainment district would be a far superior neighbourhood had the proposed buildings taken this form, as opposed to overbearing apartment blocs.
RAW Design has put together some really nice designs recently. How far away is this site from the Symmetry site (also another RAW Design building)?
^World's apart. This site is near the burnt out remains of Musa; Symmetry's is way further west near Dovercourt Rd. Both locations are great, although this one is much closer to cool TBP and a quick walk to either Queen West, Little Italy and K-market.
856 Dundas Street West

With Dundas West being a new hotspot for hipsters and mainstreamers, I see new developments like this as appropriate urban growth.



That rendering is funny because it is obviously purposely designed to de-emphasize the size of the structure. I think an appropriate design would be 5 storeys. 4 floors with the 5th set-back. In essence what the rendering depicts (as opposed to the actual proposed structure). I fully support a 5 storey structure on this site.
At first glance, it looks like this building meets the general intent of the Avenues and Mid-Rise Buildings Study. If this is the case, the City will determine that the height is appropriate.
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Nice! I hope the hood doesn't lose that 7-11. They're a dying breed. Where will one get cheap candy at 1:20am?
That 7-11 can go. Surface parking, retail plazas have no place in the urban core. There's another one at Dundas/Dovercourt as well, that can also go. I actually don't mind the store itself, but Toronto can learn a lot from Hong Kong about having urban concept 7-11's.
So hot, so my thing, it just had to be the latest RenderPornStar! Btw, judging by the rendering, it's now 5s not 8s.

If you look carefully, the rendering is at least 6s, possibly 7 or 8s.
The 5th floor (the first set back) looks drastically shortened in height so you could barely see the tops of the windows on the south side just below the balconies of the 6th floor.
The next set back is on the penthouse floor where it looks to be 1 floor, but it could be 2 floors (totalling 8s). This could be a very large menchanical penthouse, but in the rendering it shows a person standing on the west side of the terrace.
Looks like they cheated the rendering to downplay the height.
