This is a fantastic site choice. Even better that University of Waterloo will be involved, and this seems to point toward the eventual establishment of a proper medical school in the region instead of just having the McMaster satellite campus. It is unfortunate that this is apparently going to take until 2034 to become a reality, but I am glad that the process seems to be moving along quickly in comparison to the new hospital in Windsor, which was embroiled in conflict and NIMBY legal challenges about the location for a long time.
This is a fantastic site choice. Even better that University of Waterloo will be involved, and this seems to point toward the eventual establishment of a proper medical school in the region instead of just having the McMaster satellite campus. It is unfortunate that this is apparently going to take until 2034 to become a reality, but I am glad that the process seems to be moving along quickly in comparison to the new hospital in Windsor, which was embroiled in conflict and NIMBY legal challenges about the location for a long time.

I've long thought K-W would benefit from a full medical school a well; however, Waterloo (University) would seem to differ:


For now the university is saying no...but don't we have a medical doctor shortage already in this province...!

We do, though the province has green-lit several new medical schools.

TMU - Brampton
Oshawa - Satellite campus of Queen's
York U

As well as expanding existing intake at existing schools.

That said, K-W probably makes the most sense of any place to me to further add; followed by upgrading Windsor's Satellite program to a full-one, if they can address efficient border crossing (there are some very good hospitals in Detroit they could affiliate with, and they could attract American students as well.)
This is a fantastic site choice. Even better that University of Waterloo will be involved, and this seems to point toward the eventual establishment of a proper medical school in the region instead of just having the McMaster satellite campus. It is unfortunate that this is apparently going to take until 2034 to become a reality, but I am glad that the process seems to be moving along quickly in comparison to the new hospital in Windsor, which was embroiled in conflict and NIMBY legal challenges about the location for a long time.

The location is actually more horrible then it seems, sure the university is going to benefit from having a hospital on their doorstep but this is going to be the ONLY ER in KW, so if someone in South Kitchener is in need of the ER they have to go all the way to almost the northern most point of Waterloo, or head to Cambridge Memorial, both of which are 20+ minutes away. Not to mention that Kitchener is also the larger population center (twice the size of Waterloo) and won't have an ER anymore.

St Mary's is going to close entirely, with all the cardic specializations being moved to Grand River and the new hospital. Grand River is only going to have urgent and ambulatory care (no more ER). Then the Freeport campus (rehabilitation) is going to get an expansion.
