1. A huge thank YOU to South Rosedale Residents Association (SRRA) AND North Rosedale Residents Association (NRRA) for supporting us! We've been communicating with both Associations and they each issued a public statement just days ago. Attached is SRRA's Statement of Principles issued on November 10th. Also attached is NRRA's letter of support that was recently approved by their Board.
2. You should have received in your mail the notice for the Toronto Community Consultation Meeting - Planning application for 5, 7 and 9 Dale Avenue. Attached is a copy of the notice. It's being held onTuesday, November 22nd 7 to 9 PM at Parish Hall, St. Simon the Apostle Anglican Church, 525 Bloor Street East. PLEASE attend to show and voice your objection to the proposed development...this meeting is IMPORTANT. In attendance will be our Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, Kevin Friedrich, City Planner and the Developer.
3. Representatives of MyRosedaleNeighbourhood met with the Developer on November 7th with SRRA Directors. We expressed our objection to the proposed development as outlined in the petition. After a robust conversation on issues to be resolved (outlined in the City of Toronto Preliminary Report - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment Applications), we stated to the Developer they need to adhere to the existing zoning by-laws, heritage preservation, ravine control and tree preservation. Under the current zoning by-law, the properties are zoned R1 with a height limit of 10 metres and a maximum density of 0.6 times the area of the lot. The R1 zoning category allows for detached homes only. The proposed plan includes an excessive height of 16.1 metres and a floor space density index of 2.0 times the area of the lot more than 3x the allowed density.
A zoning by-law amendment application is required for the proposed apartment building. An official plan amendment application is also required to allow rear ground floor terraces to encroach into the required 10 metre setback from the top of bank of the ravine.
At the end of the meeting, the architect offered to draw a charette in line with the current rules (detached houses, density, height, setbacks and building depths) and South Rosedale heritage design. We didn't hear the Developer give the "go ahead" to the architect so we're not sure if this drawing will be forthcoming or not.
4. The Awareness Campaign continues to grow and strengthen. The lawn signs were a big success and resulted in growing numbers signing the petition, emailing and phoning in their support. We're up to 260+ names!!