Pics taken Mar 13, 2019




Looks like that street hasn't been paved in years, i can bet that not 1 cent of section 37 funds will go into fixing it after this development is done?
I always thought the plan was to do interlocking paving here (see, but I don't know how this is supposed to be funded or if it will come into reality. I'd love to see these recommendations realized!
I would assume they would wait for all of the construction to be completed along this stretch before sinking hundreds of thousands into brick roadwork or repaving. Considering all of the heavy trucks rolling through. I am sure they have a good idea based on planning documents when this street will be fully redeveloped.
I would assume they would wait for all of the construction to be completed along this stretch before sinking hundreds of thousands into brick roadwork or repaving. Considering all of the heavy trucks rolling through. I am sure they have a good idea based on planning documents when this street will be fully redeveloped.

Makes sense, that's what I figured too. I guess Mercer is ALMOST there once 24 Mercer and the Wayne Gretzky site are finished.
Well i blew a rim and tire the other morning after going over a huge pot hole on Adelaide, .i guess they will wait till all the construction is done in the entertainment district which truthfully could take another 10 years to pave and get rid of the obsolete streetcar tracks...not good?
It was originally scheduled to be done this year - and as far as I can tell has now been deferred until at least 2021.

Good to know! Out of curiousity, what's the best way to keep tabs on infrastructure projects like this? I can find the larger ones (like the John Street renewal for example), but is there somewhere I can go to see scheduled streetscape stuff? Appreciate it!
