Aug 5, 2019



I guess they dismantled the inside of the old building right to the end of the facade. As you can see in the photo up above!
Looks like lots of clay, can't imagine that makes for quick digging.
Big grey spandrel fan?

As far as most projects go this has relatively little grey spandrel I thought? It has more bronze or mirrored spandrel as far as I can tell in the plans.That combined with bronze glass in general and the black aluminum cladding certainly sets this apart - I think it's entirely reasonable to have expectations for this one!
Is the spandrel all up the building not bronze as it's indicated by 5A? The grey spandrel seems limited to the lower levels around the podium. I may be reading it wrong, but if you zoom in the shades are distinctly different to me.

Guess we'll see!
Right you are - it is 'bronze' up the tower, but I'm just not convinced that it will be resolved to the point where it's attractive. Would love to be proven wrong though!
Right you are - it is 'bronze' up the tower, but I'm just not convinced that it will be resolved to the point where it's attractive. Would love to be proven wrong though!

Agreed that it has the potential to be horrible - definitely says a lot how desperate I am to see more colour variation though when bronze spandrel gets me fired up hahaha...
