• Thread starter TheAlmightyFuzzy
  • Start date
I'm curious, how much savings do they stand to save by not adhering to the proper render? It is a bit frustrating that it doesn't look exactly like the rendering.
I would love to be able to answer that, but Cresford tend to play their cards close to their chest. We do hope to establish communication with them though: with this complex, with Casa, with MYCondo they are making great strides with architecture in general, so we can only hope that this will lead to more of an openness on their part to talk about it all in the future!

I would love to be able to answer that, but Cresford tend to play their cards close to their chest. We do hope to establish communication with them though: with this complex, with Casa, with MYCondo they are making great strides with architecture in general, so we can only hope that this will lead to more of an openness on their part to talk about it all in the future!


Does that mean other developers do disclose what savings they made by not sticking to their original renders? Thx. Yes, I agree that Cresford *seems* to be improving.
I'll just ask this one more time, since I think I'm becoming a broken record.

Did any of you who took photos of this recently notice the architectual hole in the roof?


I have asked about this and Ive been told that the hole will still be completed. I also was told to call back in two weeks so they can confirm as they have not heard anything different and it will come up at the next meeting which is in a couple days. We shall see and I will keep everyone posted as to what they (cresford) say.
There are also the "rectangular" cut outs at the north end of the crown which I also assume would be completed along with the hole....
Some recent shots and a video of NXT:






^Thx! Nice pix/vid. Were you there today? What a great day to visit, nice weather (although a bit on the stuffy side).
That was yesterday actually - so not stuffy at all!


The Landscape is coming along now, if you havent toured into the area, take a look at this entrance. The sharpest looking that I can think of in all of Toronto. Boooya!

The Landscape is coming along now, if you havent toured into the area, take a look at this entrance. The sharpest looking that I can think of in all of Toronto. Boooya!

Totally agree, looks luxurious and classy.

The Landscape is coming along now, if you havent toured into the area, take a look at this entrance. The sharpest looking that I can think of in all of Toronto. Boooya!

I was actually down there as well yesterday and completely agree. I would have never expected the landscaping to look so great. I can only imagine once it is all complete.

An update from the inside of NXT - all the units on floors 3 & 4 are locked up with no access unless you have a key. What does this mean? I am assuming that means there are items in the unit i.e appliances which can be stolen and must be kept locked up. I would also assume that means the entire units are basically done - so if you have a unit on those first two floors - it is likely good to go very very soon.

I was up on the 10th floor as well (whcih is where my unit is located) and the kitchen cabinets, washroom cabinets/tiles and shower tiles have all been installed. Baseboards are also in and the privacy screens seperating the balconies were in my unit and ready to be installed. Unfortunately I was too tired to climb up any more stairs - so I cant provide any updates for anyone above the 10th floor :)

As for the main level (lobby, pool area, etc). the drywall has been installed in 90% of that area as well so things are definitely coming along.
I was up on the 10th floor as well (whcih is where my unit is located) and the kitchen cabinets, washroom cabinets/tiles and shower tiles have all been installed. Baseboards are also in and the privacy screens seperating the balconies were in my unit and ready to be installed. Unfortunately I was too tired to climb up any more stairs - so I cant provide any updates for anyone above the 10th floor :)

As for the main level (lobby, pool area, etc). the drywall has been installed in 90% of that area as well so things are definitely coming along.

You snuck into the bldg? LOL. Btw, do the privacy screens go up to the ceiling or are they only up to a certain level, so that if your neighbor wants to 'spy' on your balcony, then can just tiptoe or use a step to peer over?
