• Thread starter TheAlmightyFuzzy
  • Start date
^I heard NXT2 sold in a hurry. Like in one night, nuts.

For an aA design, gotta say these buildings slightly disappoint me. Perhaps if the spandrel glass had been cheerier colours such as Irish Green, Orange etc and the roof was painted a bright colour it would work better.

C'mon, you gotta be kidding me, it's like you're trying so hard to criticize something about that building. It's a great design, just look around it vs other buildings, you see Park Lake, which is extremely stale by comparison (regrets, but it really is, although the downtown views are excellent). The design is modern and will stand the test of time, no doubt.
There's this discussion of NXT building height in the real estate forum:

Does anyone know how many storeys will be NXT-2 be?

Also, by counting the # of storey on NXT-1 in drum118's photos, I am only arriving @ 28 storeys for phase 1, can anyone living in the building confirm the number of storeys (not floor #s which may skip 13 or 4s)?

Cheers :)

For NXT, the elevator goes up to 28, then there's the PH floor. There are also 2 butons above that that are blank and also a button between the g/f and 3rd (which is the 1st residential flr): not sure what that button leads to. Don't think that there are any skipped #s. You can try to calculate how many flrs, I'm starting to get confused thx 2 the elevator button setup lol.

Park Lake makes NXT look amazing by comparison.

NXT looks great compared to most product out there these days.
You can't compare the both. Totally different buildings.

They're both high-rise condominium developments from the same era with a similar style. One is sleek and distinctive aA design, the other consists of two poorly-proportioned towers connected with one of the blandest podiums of its size built in recent memory.
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They're both high-rise condominium developments from the same era with a similar style. One is sleek and distinctive aA design, the other consists of two poorly-proportioned towers connected with one of the blandest podiums of its size built in recent memory.

while I agree Park Lake's podium is poorly executed (with white precast that will age ugly-ly), the glass tower portion above looks quite beautiful in my mind ~



^Wow, your photos definitely make Park Lake look nicer!

I heard somewhere that the whole pt of the above-ground parking platform is because of the soil there, that it can't somehow sustain a undergrd parking structure? Does that even make sense?
while I agree Park Lake's podium is poorly executed (with white precast that will age ugly-ly), the glass tower portion above looks quite beautiful in my mind ~

I think how good those towers look depends more than usually on the perspective and lighting conditions. I've seen them from the area near Humber Bay and they didn't look as good as in those photos. I'll concede that they aren't that bad, but the podium is a big disappointment.
NXT is all about design, amenities and modernism. Park lake is really all about the park and lake. This is the place to enjoy the unobstructed view of the city, lake, and high park. I've been living at Park Lake since July and I can
definitely say that I got an amazing deal on my 1 bedroom unit with the view, finishes and quality.

It was a hard time as it is to build this condominium on such a small piece of property sitting on water and its no surprise that underground parking couldn't ever be done.
NXT is all about design, amenities and modernism. Park lake is really all about the park and lake. This is the place to enjoy the unobstructed view of the city, lake, and high park. I've been living at Park Lake since July and I can
definitely say that I got an amazing deal on my 1 bedroom unit with the view, finishes and quality.

It was a hard time as it is to build this condominium on such a small piece of property sitting on water and its no surprise that underground parking couldn't ever be done.

It's not really the above ground parking that's an issue, it's the design of the podium. Also, it's understandable that there are other possible strengths to Park Lake besides its architecture, though the design in this case is what the public experiences the most.
I'm glad everyone likes the photos I took of Park Lake... but this is the NXT thread, so please, back on topic!

