Current state
It looks like the building will be just rental units like Maple House to the north?
WDL 20 is expected to be 653 Apartments to rent and 255K Sq feet of commercial. Like Cherry, Birch and Maple, OAK is also 25% owned by Dream Impact.

MPCT-UN.TO is trading at under $7/unit and over $30 NAV. Earnings are released tomorrow (Monday the 12th)

MPCT also owns a portion of Quayside, Victory Silos, Zibi, LeBreton Flats, Scarborough Junction, 100 Steeles Ave, Forma, IVY Condos, Brightwater and More.

Huge high quality asset base being miss priced by the market IMO.

it’s so refreshing to see projects that aren't the same all grey/blue/green glass tower. I wish we had a brick tower era. Give me at least 5 years with red brick as the hot material in new condo towers.
Ever since the city went into some kind of grey paroxysm after the Opera House, we've got about twenty years of leaden-coloured builds to overcome. Personally, I'd love to see a moratorium on grey in Toronto architecture for the next fifteen years. Or allow it on no more than a quarter of a building's surface. Add mandatory colour and texture with brick, terracotta, tinted precast concrete, stone, and we could be on to something.
Putting up so much blue-grey stock in a northern climate with generally thinner, colder light is a set recipe for depression. It's done Toronto a great disservice. It's scientific fact that colour enhances mood. It's about time we got on it.
Really hope they get this going soon. I was looking at the trailers they’ve stacked in the east parking lot and trying to figure if they added more in preparation. If and when someone has plans for the school is that it’s own project thread or attached to this?

And please god I hope they keep ground level retail. Be nice to see some employment opportunities and services.

Was also looking at the nice long grass along Maple house and wondering how long that lasts before the dogs rain down (390 Cherry st is about to get putrid with dog pee smell in the heat) Would building an actual dog park save local green spaces from ruin, or is it always going to be “this dog needs out at 3am and I’m not going more than 10ft from my door”?
