You know, back in the 90s, you might as well have been talking about this building on the same block.



And if you think what happened to it is a good thing that brought "more class"; well, maybe it's better that jerks like you be stopped in your tracks.

I guess I'm one of your "jerks" because I really like what they did to that building and I think it's far classier. I'd welcome something similar done to the Intercontinental. Let's glitz up that part of Bloor.

And by the way, when will the moderators on this forum choose to stop your abuse of new members? If you've got a point to make, Adma, then make it instead of hiding behind insults.
A little more civility in some of these threads would be nice. A new, or not-so-new member, who expresses a point of view with some degree of articulation and clarity, should not be called a jerk. I've seen this or very similar attitudes unfortunately on several recent occasions.
...Though I do agree that more civility would be a good thing. That said, should those who express their view(s) boorishly be penalized?
I recall finding the previous Park Plaza building pictured (the north building) to be dreary and initially loved the architecturally "fat" reno. Now, I miss the old one.

That said - the Intercontinel has a slightly cheap exterior, cheap public housing brick etc. But that strip has so much architecture seeking to stand out, perhaps its best to just fit in. Financially the hotel will be fine since its location is so prime.
I guess I'm one of your "jerks" because I really like what they did to that building and I think it's far classier. I'd welcome something similar done to the Intercontinental. Let's glitz up that part of Bloor.

May the ghost of Peter Dickinson strike you with lightning. And if you're coming from the standpoint that feels that what happened to the Park Plaza addition is "far classier", you're the last person who ought to be giving "glitz up" advice for anything on Bloor.

Of course, it could be worse,, someone offering to "glitz up" this...

I recall finding the previous Park Plaza building pictured (the north building) to be dreary and initially loved the architecturally "fat" reno. Now, I miss the old one.

That said - the Intercontinel has a slightly cheap exterior, cheap public housing brick etc. But that strip has so much architecture seeking to stand out, perhaps its best to just fit in. Financially the hotel will be fine since its location is so prime.

I reckon that your first paragraph justifies your second paragraph, regardless of the IC's merits: sometimes when something is fundamentally urbane and harmless, it's better to leave well enough alone, because you might wind up regretting anything otherwise.

Even the "cheap public housing brick" aesthetic isn't bad--hey, it's contextualism in the spirit of the St Lawrence Neighbourhood and, as previously mentioned, the KPMB lineage dating back to Diamond/Myers. I don't find it fatally *un-*classy; and in its way, the brick contextualism is ideal for a transitional zone between Glitzy Bloor and Campus Bloor, between Yorkville and the Annex. Yeah, maybe it's Archie-tecture that displeases the Reggie Mantle slicksters waiting for Veronica at Sephora; tough...
maybe it's better that jerks like you be stopped in your tracks.

Awww if I had any feelings left, they'd be so hurt. But I think it's pretty funny that you're calling someone else a "jerk", and flying into a spit-flecked rage over something that's classy. Says a lot about you.

Urbanvillageboy and observer walt, you both raise some pretty interesting questions about what is acceptable and unacceptable in this forum, and what constitutes crossing the line.

"Adma" appears to have a very interesting history on this website. Judge for yourselves, but it sure looks like his posts have:

advocated the commission of a violent criminal offence against another UT member:

idiots like dt toronto geek should have their testicles ripped out of their body.
you deserve to be kneecapped.

taken thinly-veiled racist pot-shots:

Yeah, I don't mind Obama, if you mean it in the "George Jefferson" sense

and even been homophobic:

more efficient at emptying the stomach than seeing the nude guys at the Pride parade

Me, I don't think posts like these are just creepy, I think they're pretty un-Canadian.

Whoaccio has a pretty accurate take on this poltroon:

all you want to do is call people names and ignore what they are saying in favor of inserting them into your lone culture war

It's clear to me that "Adma" is a snivelling, feeble coward who runs away from debate and spews venom at those who do not share his narrow, marginal views. Personally, I don't see how anyone so preoccupied with their "lone culture war" can contribute anything of value to this thread. And I think that posts like his diminish this website and every discussion on it.
Ok let's get back on topic

When ready in 2011, how much do you guys think $ per square foot in One Bedford?

I found this development in mid-2007 and I was already too late
Awww if I had any feelings left, they'd be so hurt. But I think it's pretty funny that you're calling someone else a "jerk", and flying into a spit-flecked rage over something that's classy. Says a lot about you.

Do you honestly think the Park Plaza reno is "classy"?!?

And actually, re the "racist" and "homophobic" comments, you definitely have an underdeveloped sense of irony.

It's clear to me that "Adma" is a snivelling, feeble coward who runs away from debate and spews venom at those who do not share his narrow, marginal views. Personally, I don't see how anyone so preoccupied with their "lone culture war" can contribute anything of value to this thread. And I think that posts like his diminish this website and every discussion on it.

Well, if you think the case for lamenting the makeover of the Park Plaza addition (and all the more so for how it was made over) is "narrow, marginal" and a "lone cultural war", your two-bit urban philistinism speaks for itself.

Essentially, you've shot yourself in the foot when it comes to comprehensive urban sensitivity. But hey, this is an internet message board, where all kinds of tyrrany-of-the-majority amateurs and yokels can play king-of-the-castle, so; whatever.

And hey; you wouldn't be able to do this. Let alone this. Sometimes, there is virtue in exploring the extremes of so-called abject, narrow, WTF marginalia...
What's "truth"? Heck: that 9/11 link not only isn't even a "truther" thing, it even contains its own built-in disdain for the "truthers". (Oh yeah, you're talking about the Park Plaza. But you see: this is why urban sensitivity isn't a tyranny-of-the-majority thing. Otherwise, McMansion aesthetics would rule--as they did in the Park Plaza reno case.)*

Look at me as a medieval fool; that is, earning a licence to be abject, in order to highlight and reflect the folly of other. Which in this thread-trajectory case, means the folly of overinsisting upon destructive "glitz" as a panacea for "fixing" Bloor. Re my earlier metaphor, I'm the scoundrel who tells Big Moose that Reggie kissed Midge--it may not be the most humane way of stopping Reggie in his tracks, but it's the most fun way. So I'm a sociopath. Big deal.

And when it comes to "human rights" (I suppose, re the racism/homophobia issue), this is one of the most exhilarating cartoon experiences than ever. Maybe it merits being carefully contextualized; but it certainly doesn't merit being banned.

Hey, if you want, we can take this conversation off-board, and meet in person. Either I'll inspire you, or I'll molest you...

*Edit: oh, and if you want proof it's more than a mere narrow/marginal/lone-culture-war, here's someone who'd more likely take my side than yours on what happened to the Park Plaza addition.

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