Agreed Its not an ignorant comment at all. "White flight" and race riots began while the big three were at their peak. The fall of the auto industry and manufacturing in general, just made a very bad situation worse.
The Fastest-growing area for tech jobs in America is Detroit. metro Detroit that is. The jobs are where all the sprawl is not downtown.
So this would be my guess as to the reason for building this walk way...
The TTC didn't want to allow for a developer to be able to permanently block access to a subway station entrance (for several reasons that probably include setting a president). Great Gulf however didn't want to put an access within their podium as they wouldn't want the people paying $1 million + for a suite to have to on a daily basis mix with the poor people that take the subway. Thus the comprise to have a small walkway away from the main entrance and opening onto a side street.
Of course this is all my own speculation and there is nothing to substantiate any of the above.
Xray, there certainly isn't anything to substantiate any of the above because it is simply wrong, all of it, as well as offensive.

Why is it offensive in particular? Perhaps the "poor people" comment wasn't in the best taste but I was just trying to illustrate my point that there is no doubt a difference in the average socioeconomic status between the people who can afford to purchase a unit in this building and those who regularly take the subway (myself being one of them).

Well what is that point of going to all this effort then? You expressed your own bewilderment back in post #2348. Were you able to get a hold of Great Gulf this past Monday and receive any additional information?

Thanks in advance for the input.
That is an ignorant comment, Sorry it just is???? I'm not foolish, race has always been a factor, esp, in the south and rust belt city's of the north, but to imply that the downfall of Detroit is from racial tension, Sad, ignorant comment. :confused:

The downfall of the American auto industry, is the sole reason for the exodus, and the resulting high unemployment, the poverty and the crime!!! Poor people commit crime, not black people. When the auto plants starting laying people off, the tax base decreased, schools, utilities and services all suffered. Safety then became an issue.
Detroits heydays in the 30 and 40's, she was one of the world great city's,with a pop. , and an economy to match, black people, and white people can coexist quite successfully, when times are prosperous,.....sure as neighborhoods were abandoned,and houses were fore closed ,poor minorities moved in, but they were not the cause of the decline, just a symptom, of that decline.. Detroit is on the come back, I have alot of friends from there, and there are signs of life and hope....
May she one day reclaim her post as a great American city!!! The US bailout of the auto industry, was in part an effort to save Detroit from further ruin!!

Sorry if I offended you, that was not my intent. I'm not saying any one race is to blame, simply the difficulties in two divergent cultures not trying very hard to work with the other. There is a sense of fear in most parts of Detroit (extrerly high violent crime rate, gangs). I've spent a lot of time there in the past and most of the time I just didn't feel safe. I hope they can solve this one day.
Why is it offensive in particular? Perhaps the "poor people" comment wasn't in the best taste but I was just trying to illustrate my point that there is no doubt a difference in the average socioeconomic status between the people who can afford to purchase a unit in this building and those who regularly take the subway (myself being one of them).

It changes the tone completely once you lump yourself in with the poor people, but you didn't do that initially.

Great Gulf is connecting their building through to the subway. That's a selling feature in this city. Toronto is not a place where having a direct link to the subway system means attaching oneself to the stigma of poverty. On the contrary, a direct link to the subway means direct access to convenience for people of all socio-economic levels. We are not so backward here that you won't see lots of suits on the subway: you do see them in fact.

Well what is that point of going to all this effort then? You expressed your own bewilderment back in post #2348. Were you able to get a hold of Great Gulf this past Monday and receive any additional information?

Thanks in advance for the input.

I did leave a message with Tucker Hi-Rise but I have not heard back unfortunately. There must be some other purpose for this structure that we simply are not thinking of. This is an extremely complex building, and there must be some other reason for it.

No problem big daddy!!

Sorry if I offended you, that was not my intent. I'm not saying any one race is to blame, simply the difficulties in two divergent cultures not trying very hard to work with the other. There is a sense of fear in most parts of Detroit (extrerly high violent crime rate, gangs). I've spent a lot of time there in the past and most of the time I just didn't feel safe. I hope they can solve this one day.

I have a large following of middle class, middle aged, African Americans, (I am a DJ) many from Chicago and Detroit originally. Black can be as trashy, or as classy as white folx... and when I think of Detroit, it's the poor unemployed Eminems, and Kid Rocks, that commit as much crime as the minorities!!:rolleyes:
But, it's all good, I don't think you meant it the way I took it!!
The block I live on in South MPLS, has one house, that the police come to 9 out of ten calls,trashiest white folx ever.

It;s easy to feel unsafe, when your in an unfamiliar enviroment. Shoot, just being on a different block can feel unsafe from the next. My family often feels unsafe when they come to the city, but in reality , if you live there, it's just normal day to day, and for the most part usually benign.

PS, I wouldn't wanna walk down a lot of Detroits streets at night alone for sure.....Black or white!!!:eek:
So this would be my guess as to the reason for building this walk way...
The TTC didn't want to allow for a developer to be able to permanently block access to a subway station entrance (for several reasons that probably include setting a president). Great Gulf however didn't want to put an access within their podium as they wouldn't want the people paying $1 million + for a suite to have to on a daily basis mix with the poor people that take the subway. Thus the comprise to have a small walkway away from the main entrance and opening onto a side street.
Of course this is all my own speculation and there is nothing to substantiate any of the above.

Are you freaking kidding me?! Again, another attack on the poor.

There is no justification for even trying to link poor people and this project to begin with. Getting real sick of this type attack on the poor by some on this board. If living in a city that has poor people really messes you up and ruins your day, then move to a gated community and stay there. You won't be missed.

And there is no way you could not have known this would be offensive. I don't believe it for a moment.
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Are you freaking kidding me?! Again, another attack on the poor.

There is no justification for even trying to link poor people and this project to begin with. Getting real sick of this type attack on the poor by some on this board. If living in a city that has poor people really messes you up and ruins your day, then move to a gated community and stay there. You won't be missed.

And there is no way you could not have known this would be offensive. I don't believe it for a moment.

Look i understand this is a more fragile subject here but i honestly think he was just saying exactly what he thinks they dont want.... a subway entrance in a higher standard condo. No matter your class, all uses subway and unfortunatly it may be a turnoff to some buyers that their home will be full of that variety.... Therefore people will think twice about buying.... its unfortunate people think that way but this world isnt utopic...... And the only way to talk about this subject is straight out, no lies...theres no pretending
Is that what he meant?

Are you freaking kidding me?! Again, another attack on the poor.

There is no justification for even trying to link poor people and this project to begin with. Getting real sick of this type attack on the poor by some on this board. If living in a city that has poor people really messes you up and ruins your day, then move to a gated community and stay there. You won't be missed.

And there is no way you could not have known this would be offensive. I don't believe it for a moment.

tkip...I dont disagree with your sentiments regarding attitudes towards the poor...I'm just not sure that the poster SUPPORTS his own least I didn't read anywhere in the post where he said he did...he just said that 'maybe' that's why they did it...

...who knows maybe he/she feels just as angry about it as you IF what he wondered about were true. Then again, maybe I'm wrong and the poster DOES support his speculation...but at this point without any clear words suggesting one way or another, lets not jump to conclusions...

...maybe try something like this instead, " are you saying that separating the rich from the poor is a good thing?" least then you're 'asking'...THEN if he say, 'Yes', then you can offer your critique of that 'clearly stated' opinion.

I know it's easier said than done when you feel passionate about something...
It changes the tone completely once you lump yourself in with the poor people

I did leave a message with Tucker Hi-Rise but I have not heard back unfortunately. There must be some other purpose for this structure that we simply are not thinking of. This is an extremely complex building, and there must be some other reason for it.


Yes rereading it I can see how it would be difficult to infer the tone in which I meant it to be read. My mistake.

Thanks anyways for looking into it! I'm sure we'll find out definitively soon enough.
