I can joke about whatever I want to, although I have no idea what I was supposedly joking about... chill.

I also don't remember when they stated that the tower would be a bad design. Or one with lots of precast or spandrels.

Also, the market crash was indeed what killed 1 Bloor East. In other words, the market couldn't handle it. You said it yourself.

Stop being so overdramatic.
I can joke about whatever I want to, although I have no idea what I was supposedly joking about... chill.

I also don't remember when they stated that the tower would be a bad design. Or one with lots of precast or spandrels.

Also, the market crash was indeed what killed 1 Bloor East. In other words, the market couldn't handle it. You said it yourself.

Stop being so overdramatic.

Though my post came off as an attack on you, I was not necessarily angered by anything you said. I was simply annoyed at your cheerful acceptance (I assume you too are Canadian, or, at least, live here) of our perpetual mediocrity.

GG stated that the tower would be 'typical' and in doing so, negated the possibility that it could be something more for once one defines what something 'is,' they simultaneously, if subconsciously, define what it 'isn't.' Though the word 'bad' appears in not in my post or the original press release, the relegation of this project to the 'typical' file is as good as a rubber stamp with 'whatever' written on it. Furthermore, you could have read more into what I said and perhaps realized that my hyperbolic comments about spandrels and precast were not specific to the unknown design of #1 BlOoR, but simply examples of the materials which we too often rely on today.

Lastly, your ascription of the 'market' as the nail in 1BE's coffin is technically accurate, however I was taking issue with the notion that 1BE is the cause of that crash - something your previous post's wording implies. The market crashed for a number of reasons as we all know, and 99.9% of those reasons were things other than that building. 1BE was neither the cause of that crash, nor the sole victim of it and though many of its units had been sold - i.e. the Toronto market was able to support it - those larger, global markets, which would have financed its construction failed, and thus 1BE is dead. I think therefore, our qualm arises from the undefined term: 'market.'

But in the spirit of one of our newest members I'll simply say: Peace
Can anyone tell me what happened to the idea of the Sapphire Tower and whether it was supported by the people here or not?
Though my post came off as an attack on you, I was not necessarily angered by anything you said. I was simply annoyed at your cheerful acceptance (I assume you too are Canadian, or, at least, live here) of our perpetual mediocrity.

GG stated that the tower would be 'typical' and in doing so, negated the possibility that it could be something more for once one defines what something 'is,' they simultaneously, if subconsciously, define what it 'isn't.' Though the word 'bad' appears in not in my post or the original press release, the relegation of this project to the 'typical' file is as good as a rubber stamp with 'whatever' written on it. Furthermore, you could have read more into what I said and perhaps realized that my hyperbolic comments about spandrels and precast were not specific to the unknown design of #1 BlOoR, but simply examples of the materials which we too often rely on today.

Lastly, your ascription of the 'market' as the nail in 1BE's coffin is technically accurate, however I was taking issue with the notion that 1BE is the cause of that crash - something your previous post's wording implies. The market crashed for a number of reasons as we all know, and 99.9% of those reasons were things other than that building. 1BE was neither the cause of that crash, nor the sole victim of it and though many of its units had been sold - i.e. the Toronto market was able to support it - those larger, global markets, which would have financed its construction failed, and thus 1BE is dead. I think therefore, our qualm arises from the undefined term: 'market.'

But in the spirit of one of our newest members I'll simply say: Peace

LOL! I obviously never said that I thought the market crash was caused by a friggin' skyscraper... I never meant anything of the sort since that statement makes... well.. no sense at all. It was quite the other way around.

Also, the quote about Number One Bloor being "just another Toronto skyscraper" is being taken too far. People are running with it. It might be inaccurate entirely (or a marketing surprise the developer has up their sleeve) or simply an unimportant detail so early in the process.

Pick your battles. I have no idea where you even got the idea to argue with me about statements I made that are hardly material to debate. I still can't believe you even suggested that I would think 1 Bloor East caused a market crash. That's... friggin hilarious to be honest.

Canada is Canada. I can accept the way we operate and I think it's strange that it upsets you so much. I have travelled alot, spent time living in very different places at times, and Canada by comparison seems pretty functional to me. Slow, steady progress in a conservative fashion is fine for me. And that's my opinion, which you won't be regulating. Approaching any culture takes a sense of humour and humility.


Anyways. Any predictions on when the first renderings will show up?
Oh boy, I wouldn't even know where to start with THAT one.

But I really want to know! I read as much as I could on Wikipedia and it's so dissapointing to see Toronto's never getting anything extraordinary. Or at least, we're under the delusion we are until something goes wrong and it's not as great anymore. Whether it's the Sapphire Tower, The Trump Tower or One Bloor East.
LOL! I obviously never said that I thought the market crash was caused by a friggin' skyscraper... I never meant anything of the sort since that statement makes... well.. no sense at all. It was quite the other way around.

Also, the quote about Number One Bloor being "just another Toronto skyscraper" is being taken too far. People are running with it. It might be inaccurate entirely (or a marketing surprise the developer has up their sleeve) or simply an unimportant detail so early in the process.

Pick your battles. I have no idea where you even got the idea to argue with me about statements I made that are hardly material to debate. I still can't believe you even suggested that I would think 1 Bloor East caused a market crash. That's... friggin hilarious to be honest.

Canada is Canada. I can accept the way we operate and I think it's strange that it upsets you so much. I have travelled alot, spent time living in very different places at times, and Canada by comparison seems pretty functional to me. Slow, steady progress in a conservative fashion is fine for me. And that's my opinion, which you won't be regulating. Approaching any culture takes a sense of humour and humility.

This sounds like a simple miscommunication.

I think Project End is trying to counter your claim that 1 Bloor East did not get built because the market couldn't handle it. The way you phrased your argument made it sound as though you thought that 1 Bloor East failed because the local market did not support it, which implied that the project itself was flawed whether or not the economy was healthy.

I think he was trying to point out that, on its own, 1 Bloor East did sell well and was well tuned to the local market. Had the world economy not unexpectedly dived, the tower would be under construction right now. The project was a victim of circumstance, not its own failure to gauge the local real estate valuations.
I'm really hoping GG has a surprise up their sleeve. They've certainly impressed me with X Condos.

However, from a marketing/hype/buzz perspective, I'm not sure they've started the process in the right way. Excited anticipation would be worth more than the skeptical anticipation that GG has currently created. At least Veronica at Bazis understood this.

In the end we may be "pleasantly surprised"... but sadly that mild emotion fits into the "cheerful acceptance of our perpetual mediocrity." (to quote ProjectEnd)

I suppose in the end Bazis spoiled us here. They did everything right with regards to selling this project. (Design is another issue). I bet if GG were to have had this project from the start none of us would be complaining as much about a middle-of-the-road proposal since we'd never experienced anything like the crazed hype Bazis was able to manufacture. "The tallest!", "The biggest!", "The best!", "Number 1!". We ate it up and now everything else is just anticlimactic.

I feel bad for Bazis here. They did everything right... but the timing was sadly just a bit off.
Personally, I think the Bazis hype of 1BE makes the reality of the product they're offering all the more cruel - quite frankly, all that buzz for that piece of crap of a building?

Personally, I think the Bazis hype of 1BE makes the reality of the product they're offering all the more cruel - quite frankly, all that buzz for that piece of crap of a building?

I thought that the first Bazis design was quite good. Wasn't it the City that forced the design change to the second, far less interesting design by refusing to accept the first design?
As a counter to how Bazis worked hard to raise everyone's expectations and hype the project, perhaps GG is intentionally trying to lower everyone's expectations to the point that when the building is unveiled it will be praised and appreciated, even if it is "average".

Actually, I think ALL the designs proposed by Bazis are "junk" in the sense that none of them has any enduring architectural worth.

As a counter to how Bazis worked hard to raise everyone's expectations and hype the project, perhaps GG is intentionally trying to lower everyone's expectations to the point that when the building is unveiled it will be praised and appreciated, even if it is "average".


I feel like this is the case. That quote about it being an average Toronto building has been taken so far by some forumers, and even out of context. Few details are known yet and it's FAR too premature to make educated guesses.

All we *may* know is that Hariri Pontarini is supposed to be coming up with a design, and if that's the case, I think we can safely expect something better than "boring" or "crappy" or however else some people here are expecting.
