I just had to get this project off of page 3. No update for 8 days. Either there is nothing to see or no one cares. Maybe both.

...you're joking right. Look there's a reason this project isn't front page material at the moment. Maybe that isn't fair but bumping a thread to complain about that won't change that. Please don't do this again, I don't think there is anyone on this site who appreciates thread bumps to whine about how dead the thread is.
Just sit tight for updates. There are a lot of passionate supporters of this project, but at the moment I think people are waiting with baited breath to see more forms taken down before they post photographic updates.
Either there is nothing to see or no one cares. Maybe both.

Looking down on the project from my perch on the 14th floor of 33 Bloor East (the Xerox building right beside it) I can tell you that they're laying the rebar and associated electrical and mechanical lines for the 3rd floor and have poured about 1/3 of the 3rd floor. They did some Pumpcrete yesterday but it's mostly still bucket and pour.
Take a hike. Since when do you dictate the threads? Besides I got some great updates last time I said the same thing.

I don't dictate shit I just can't stand seeing threads bumped for picture requests/information/whatever. Do you honestly think a thread isn't updated because photographers are greedily hoarding their photos? Are you going to make them take pictures for you? If you want information take time out of your own day to do it, don't bother the rest of us. If you really want to bother someone, hawc is in an office right above (as he already posted), PM him instead of bumping a thread.
Hey Gotitright,

Next time you want.to bump the page just make a comment about how you're hoping they put a big Apple store here. 50 postings of that.comment doesn't seem to bother them at all. Still a waste of a posting but not offensive.
I tried searching online for a completion date, most sites list December 2014... Does that seem right with the current status of construction?

I hope the retail here doesn't turn out like Aura. There's incredible opportunity with this location.
I hope the retail here doesn't turn out like Aura.

Great Gulf, and certainly Hariri Pontarini would never create something as bad as Aura. Rest assured the retail podium here will be well-executed with impressive detailing.

Regardless of one's subjective opinion on the aesthetic of this project, I think people will be impressed with the attention Hariri Pontarini puts into the details.
The podium retail is going to be a wall of glass, just like every other new retail strip going into condos. There will be no real design details or anything resembling art/creativity. Oh, and don't be surprised to see some grey spandrel somewhere.
The podium retail is going to be a wall of glass, just like every other new retail strip going into condos. There will be no real design details or anything resembling art/creativity. Oh, and don't be surprised to see some grey spandrel somewhere.

There are various types of glazing, and ways of handling transitions between materials; where the glazing meets the sidewalk/foundation and how it meets the overhang above it. There will also be different materials than just glazing on the podium, especially along the back where it fronts on Hayden Street.

Regardless, there are a lot more design details in a building than just the exterior glazing along a retail unit. You may not pay attention to them, but that doesn't mean they aren't there.

My point stands: the detailing work and materials that Hariri Pontarini uses are vastly better than G+C/Canderel projects, even if the cladding is mostly glazing.
