Runnymede never stood out as particularly standout Tourism Toronto-worthy "gorgeous" to me--for starters, it's too wide, and whatever public/religious landmarks (the school, the United church, the fire station, the Bell building, maybe the soon-to-go Runnymede Hospital) don't cohere into an entity they way they do on Annette. Even individually, it isn't like the landmarks are particularly unique--not that they aren't bad, though. (I like the archetypally early-c20 Runnymede PS, as well as its 60s-Constructivist-lunch-bucket addition...)
September 4, 2008 Meeting Documents Online

Documents for the September 4, Working Group Meeting are now online in PDF. Click here for the documents page. Posted are the agenda, meeting notes and presentation material. Also posted is the Working Committee Existing Conditions Reference Material.
^Let me guess, you work for Tridel!?

Honestly Urban..
Your pessimistic cynicisim gets a little tiring after a while. Why does any newbie who gives the impression of voicing an honest sincere opinion become automatically an 'open season. Let him have it' target for you. Ever actually welcomed one of these 'Newbies'?

I thought Molson Cdn. views were excellent. Hopefully we will hear from him again.
Honestly Urban..
Your pessimistic cynicisim gets a little tiring after a while. Why does any newbie who gives the impression of voicing an honest sincere opinion become automatically an 'open season. Let him have it' target for you. Ever actually welcomed one of these 'Newbies'?

I thought Molson Cdn. views were excellent. Hopefully we will hear from him again.

I was going to say the same thing, but didn't (obviously).

It's nice to hear from someone praising a project and giving a developer some positive comments, which they don't seem to get enough of.

This World is filled with people that are quick to hate and be negative. What's wrong with being positive? What's wrong with dishing out compliments? Some people need to get off their high horse and stop being such grouches about everything.

Kudos to Molson for his post. I'm glad it wasn't another, "this is an ugly building" comment which runs rampant on this forum.
TWB: I would like to thank Tridel for taking the effort to consult with the community and try to reach a consensus about what they should build at Bloor and Old Mill. I'm not from the area or anything, but I think it's a great idea. And the tools that Tridel has given to residents to evaluate the options are well thought out and helpful, even in a general context. I feel like every project should undergo this.

In case anyone didn't read the scenarios, they are as follows:
1. Widened Sidewalk - Massing Along Bloor Street
2. East Plaza
3. West Plaza
4. Concentration of Height

They all have positives and negatives. But I really like the streetwall formed by #1. I really like them all though. Maybe we as a forum should vote LOL.
2500 Bloor Street West Consultants

A list of the the consultants (urban designers, planners and traffic analysts) has been posted to the website.
i work for one of them~ :D
Bloor ST W Submission Package is Online

The submission package to the city of Toronto has now been posted to the 2500 Bloor St W website:

The documents are bit large with the largest weighing in at over 25 MB so you should access through a broadband connection.
^But why is all that stuff necessary? Shouldn't it be obvious what must go here?

8 floors, basically an Ideal/Mozo-styled structure, redbrick, glazing, aA architecture, retail at base, and gorgeous trees/shrubbery/flower beds landscaping, vehicular access via the back lane, etc. OP isn't needed; just "instinctive common sense." :)
