This is not the place for discussion of MCC. It's for One Park Tower.
To be hyprocritical though...
Some of you need to realize that this is a different kind of downtown. It's not going to be like Toronto or any other major city's version of downtown. It will function and look differently. All of those downtown's were developed mostly during the 1900's. This is a new city being developed in the 2000's. The results will look much different.
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Of course it'll look differently. The goal, however, is to achieve elements of that late nineteenth century urbanity such as ample pedestrian activity and transit use. Whether those elements will be attained is up for debate. If that's hopeless in the 21st century, then why discuss these projects at all? Architecturally insignificant in a bedroom community with little history, the project would be of little interest except to a few locals and buyers.
Yes I'd argue that goals are not different in any way ... although yes we may expect to see different results.

Anyway you're right ... not the place ... not the time.
Not so sure about that actually ... oh your facts are 100% correct of course :)

But ... the difference being the elements of good urban form started to take place before there were tons of development. Not quite the case in MCC ... sure there is a lot of land left but a lot of land has already been developed ... unsuccessfully (at least in the sense to build an urban area < don't really like that term it doesn't really imply anything on it's own "urban that is). Anyway, that's the difference when compared to more traditional city centers (traditional in the way they evolved that is).

Most of the traditional downtowns in smaller towns in Ontario are a joke ... they're completely void of pedestrian activity. Honestly in and around the GTA the only exception to this I find is Unionville during lunch time.

Everything else ... downtown Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Aurora ... I can go on. You'd think there were laws against pedestrian activity.

I take it you've never been to Streetsville, Port Credit, Downtown Oakville...
Yes I agree those are nice :)

So there are exceptions ... I mentioned one to Uninoville ... but the ones you mentioned are nicer.

I guess the surrounding GTA is lacking other then in the West direction ... at least south west ... outside the GTA is a different story.
December 27 2009 update

One Park Tower sure is pretty at night ~ :)
Click to Enlarge
from the summer...
