
In a few months when all the cladding and windows are in there should definitely be a wow factor for people who have not seen this area in a while.
I was just reading the new CondoGuide, and was pleasantly surprised to find an ad for OneCole.

I tried to post it several ways, but it appears that my webcam has f*cked itself and my digital camera has died. I have to wait to charge it :mad:

Aha! Got it!

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Walking up Parliament past Dundas is very surreal to me. It's such a stark contrast, and in the past few months the development just seemed to pop out of nowhere. I still remember walking past this area barely over a year ago, and seeing a wasteland of demolished buildings and mounds of dirt. Overall the redevelopment of Regent is looking very impressive so far, and I hope to see similar developments replace some more of the east end's decrepit community housing projects.
wow, this is stunning. What do you guys think of investing here?

I'd say it would be a good idea. As this project is completed, I assume the rough and tumble nature of the area will soften, bringing housing values up in the process. I considered buying a house on Nasmith (just north of Gerrrard) a few years ago for that reason.

This could, of course, take a long time.
I'd say it would be a good idea. As this project is completed, I assume the rough and tumble nature of the area will soften, bringing housing values up in the process. I considered buying a house on Nasmith (just north of Gerrrard) a few years ago for that reason.

This could, of course, take a long time.

Won't much of the housing stay subsidized? I still don't know anyone who wants to move into Regent Park.
Won't much of the housing stay subsidized? I still don't know anyone who wants to move into Regent Park.

It's mixed, with about 3,000 subsidised units out of about 10,000 total.

St. Lawrence Market is another neighbourhood with a mix of subsidized and market rate housing, and few would doubt its success.
I think the neighbourhood will be a success. However, I'd not buy there myself due to the likelihood of construction all around me for the next ten years or longer.

I have to say, I have some reservations about the relationship of One Cole to the other buildings behind it, and the little one storey something in between them. These might be misplaced, but it looked like not enough stuff filling in the area, too many open spaces, which I don't think is what the area needs more of. Perhaps as it settles in it will gel.
