Developer: Metrolinx
Address: Yonge and Queen, Toronto, Canada
Category: Transit
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): N/A
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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I suppose it was a "solution" in that it was the fastest available way relying only on TTC accessible infrastructure, but the message is definitely that you should never rely on TTC accessible infrastructure if you have an important trip to make.
So far, the only Candian agency with a policy of always having redundant elevators is OC Transpo, but elsewhere in North America so does Boston's MBTA, Washington Metro, and BART.

Given how much cost and effort is going into retrofitting old TTC stations without elevators, it seems like it's easy to forsee in 20 years or so Metrolinx paying for a massive project to add redundant elevators when it becomes expected practice. This is a penny-wise, pound foolish decision.

And accessibility is for everyone. I didn't realize this myself until I had small children and was trying to navigate the Montreal Metro and underground with a stroller. It was hell.

I also wonder how much money they are saving. Line 2 in Ottawa has 9 out of 11 stations with redundant elevators (the remaining 3 are accessible without elevators needing to be added), and that entire line cost $1.6B. The elevator costs for the Ontario line would be pocket change out of the projected $27B cost.
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So far, the only Candian agency with a policy of always having redundant elevators is OC Transpo, but elsewhere in North America so does Boston's MBTA, Washington Metro, and BART.

Given how much cost and effort is going into retrofitting old TTC stations without elevators, it seems like it's easy to forsee in 20 years or so Metrolinx paying for a massive project to add redundant elevators when it becomes expected practice. This is a penny-wise, pound foolish decision.

And accessibility is for everyone. I didn't realize this myself until I had small children and was trying to navigate the Montreal Metro and underground with a stroller. It was hell.
The best solution would be to leave the elevator core there for the future as that cost would be minimal at the construction stage.
The best solution would be to leave the elevator core there for the future as that cost would be minimal at the construction stage.

Well, the best solution would be a second elevator, but at least allowing for it in the design would be something I guess.

To be fair, the REM, and recent stations in Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver also lack redundant elevators, so the TTC/Metrolinx isn't the only laggard here. Vancouver will have a redundant elevator at Broadway City-Hall once the Broadway subway is complete, and 2 other stations will have allowances for extra elevators. Still, it puts Ottawa far ahead. Including Line 1, there's redundant elevators at 19 out of 25 stations (and of the 6 others, only 3 don't have redundant alternate routes into all parts of the station, including the bus loops) . Even Bowesville has 4 elevators, and its in the middle of a cornfield next to nothing.
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I'm quite surprised how much transparency they are giving for the ontario line, given their history of secrecy for other projects.
I agree. I would say that they have been similarly transparent at the Queen-Spadina sites, and to be honest they have been quite considerate neighbours. They move huge amounts of materials and equipment in and out of the two sites, mostly at night, and cause much less disruption than I anticipated.
I'm quite surprised how much transparency they are giving for the ontario line, given their history of secrecy for other projects.
I agree with @Kyle Campbell above... I find Metrolinx isn't shy about what has happened/accomplished until something goes wrong...

The Crosstown had many updates until problems of underpinning of Eglinton station couldn't be resolved...

The Scarborough subway had an online tracker for the TBM, then updates stopped once it got to the 401 and it paused for 'planned maintenance'...

Go RER/expansion/1.0 had regular updates about time savings, project timelines/goals, consortium takeover...until dates stated to slip: onexpress, electrification, LSE express trains to name a few...

Metrolinx has a history of celebrating every little aspect of project progress/work (sometimes in excess), but they struggle being overconfident with project goals. When problems arise, they cover up by delete online project materials, and become silent and/or obfuscate.

You'll know something goes wrong when they stop talking about it.
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I don't know if any of you have seen this, but metrolinx has started posting don yard updates biweekly...
I would post the image if my computer would let me!
