Well if you think about the the design for the Ontario Line being elevated at Eglinton while the EC is underground then at best the station would almost certainly be laid out as :
Lv 4: Ontario Line Platform
Lv 3: Street Level
Lv2: Eglinton Crosstown Mezzanine
Lv 1: Eglinton Crosstown Platform
Its litterally Kennedy all over again. This is made worse by the fact that we have litterally had this debate about ineffeciant transfers before in Scarborough, so the fact that nobody at any point be it on the part of the City, Metrolinx, or the Province looked at the Science Centre Transfer and saw what was coming when we are embroiled in the very same debate elsewhere is mind blowing. I don't care whether it was Metrolinx removing the lower level of Science Centre station or the Province designing the Ontario Line to interchange with the Crosstown at an elevated grade, the fact is it is insanity and further speaks volumes about everything wrong with transit planning in this city and everyone is to blame.