An opportunity to make Eglinton station Spanish solution had been missed.

They're not touching the station box in any way. The moved platform space currently exists and holds equipment that will be relocated.

Changing the station box would add a few hundred million to the price.

Don't want one anyway. Crowding at Bloor may force them to purposefully add a choke point at Eglinton to prevent people from filling Yonge line trains.
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They're not touching the station box in any way. The moved platform space currently exists and holds equipment that will be relocated.

Changing the station box would add a few hundred million to the price.

Don't want one anyway. Crowding at Bloor may force them to purposefully add a choke point at Eglinton to prevent people from filling Yonge line trains.

Not to mention you'd probably have to demolish all the buildings at the intersection.
St. George's single platform seems bigger though. Eglinton's has a wall close to the edge of the platform.

When it is a bad day and there are delays at rush hour, the Eglinton platform can quickly become immobilized. I'm imagining that will be the everyday rush-hour scenario once the crosstown is built. Unless of course the new platform is wider.
I thought most people agreed that Wellington is best route, and that it should go to Spadina at least in the 1st phase. If you wanted it further north I'd think Adelaide or Richmond would be preferred.

I can't even imagine the 10 year nightmare subway construction on Queen would cause for the massive amounts of people who currently rely on the streetcars.

Agreed on all counts. Spadina is key because it would add one more interceptor to the Spadina streetcar line, effectively bisecting the ridership (northbound to Bloor, southbound to Union).

Queen is too far north, it misses too much of the core and queen has strict development restrictions on it, at least in the west.

Agreed. Queen is a lot like Bloor, in that it's not going to be substantially redeveloped just because the streetcar was swapped out for the subway. Just look at how much development has occurred along Bloor West since the subway opened (aside from a few pockets)… *crickets*. Queen would be much of the same. King on the other hand is already being transformed, as is Liberty Village.
St. George's single platform seems bigger though. Eglinton's has a wall close to the edge of the platform.

When it is a bad day and there are delays at rush hour, the Eglinton platform can quickly become immobilized. I'm imagining that will be the everyday rush-hour scenario once the crosstown is built. Unless of course the new platform is wider.

Well we built in in 1954, when half of what is now GTA was farmland. It will not be wider since expanding the station box as mentioned above is almost impossible.

Eventually we have to start expanding the system by adding new lines so that not everyone is funnelled onto Yonge, rather than think of insanely expensive and difficult ways of stuffing more and more people onto Yonge.
Agreed on all counts. Spadina is key because it would add one more interceptor to the Spadina streetcar line, effectively bisecting the ridership (northbound to Bloor, southbound to Union).

Agreed. Queen is a lot like Bloor, in that it's not going to be substantially redeveloped just because the streetcar was swapped out for the subway. Just look at how much development has occurred along Bloor West since the subway opened (aside from a few pockets)… *crickets*. Queen would be much of the same. King on the other hand is already being transformed, as is Liberty Village.

I'd also think that Wellington/Front would be much easier to construct on since it still has more vacant lots & parking lots than Queen.
I'd also think that Wellington/Front would be much easier to construct on since it still has more vacant lots & parking lots than Queen.

Despite all the fanfare about "south core", the traditional financial district still holds lion's share of office space between Front and Queen (as well as the few towers between Queen and Dundas). Front/Wellington will be too far in the south. An Adelaide/King alignment seems to make more sense. It can both relieve the Yonge line, but also lessen the pressure on 504/501, where are extremely crowded.
Despite all the fanfare about "south core", the traditional financial district still holds lion's share of office space between Front and Queen (as well as the few towers between Queen and Dundas). Front/Wellington will be too far in the south. An Adelaide/King alignment seems to make more sense. It can both relieve the Yonge line, but also lessen the pressure on 504/501, where are extremely crowded.

Wellington is only 150m or a 2 min walk from King, it's a 4 min walk from Adelaide, and a 7 min walk from Queen. It will draw tons of people from those streetcars.
Maybe a route in between King and Queen to serve both of them perhaps.

But anything north of King excludes a connection to Union. By using Wellington, you can connect to King, Union, and St. Andrew. For transfer options, it's the best alignment choice. You don't necessarily want to force a transfer at only Union because of capacity constraints, but a direct connection to Union is certainly a plus.
I started thinking about how the 504 could be replaced (even if temporarily) while the DRL is built.

I came up with this:

It would involve the construction of 4.2km of new streetcar track, and would allow for the 504 to operate for the entirety of the DRLs construction along King. after construction is complete, The streetcar will return to king street for a significant western portion of the line, where the DRL will have sparser stop spacing. Wellington would have to be converted to a 2 way street.

DRL Stops

St. Andrew
Dundas West

Thin red = mixed traffic
Thick red = in median
Really thick red = underground
Yellow = subway




504 Streetcars would use Queen street until Niagara, then dip down to Wellington, It would bypass around the Park at Spadina to speed construction, continue over to Front, and then connect to the new Cherry streetcar tracks and run up to Queen.


Streetcar would use King until Niagara, dip down to Wellington, use a tunnel to drop under Spadina and the park (payed for using section 37 from The Well?), and run along Wellington/Front until Cherry.


with DRL superimposed:

