Nah, wake me up when these lines are actually open to the public and operational...


From link.
Dumb. Who believes Rick the Temp goes to Niagara Falls twice a month. Nobody goes to Niagara Falls twice a month.
Lets see.................................................Tomorrow I may go to NF and been close to a year since I was last there. The people I know haven't been to NF in years or a decade. Most times I/we are bypassing NF going to/from the States.

As for Aikins, She was clueless from the first day I met her years ago and there where better people than her then. When all but one of the communication department got the pink slip for cost cutting, she remain.
The Ontario line and RER will get built and on time.. Period.

I remember when Ford was elected and most of you guys sat and gave 100 reasons why the Relief and, less so, RER, wouldn't get built and I said it would and I stand by it. You were using the Harris government as an example but it was a lousy one. This is not the 1990s when transit was needed but not a huge political win outside Toronto but that mentality has changed immensely including by most Conservatives. Also, unlike the 1990s, today there is another player in the game, Ottawa.

Ottawa ignored infrastructure at the time so everything was left up to the cities and province but today Ottawa is forking over up to 40% of all infrastructure funding and there is no way, in hell, that Ford is going to pass up that kind of largess on politically advantageous projects.
The Ontario line and RER will get built and on time.. Period.

I remember when Ford was elected and most of you guys sat and gave 100 reasons why the Relief and, less so, RER, wouldn't get built and I said it would and I stand by it. You were using the Harris government as an example but it was a lousy one. This is not the 1990s when transit was needed but not a huge political win outside Toronto but that mentality has changed immensely including by most Conservatives. Also, unlike the 1990s, today there is another player in the game, Ottawa.

Ottawa ignored infrastructure at the time so everything was left up to the cities and province but today Ottawa is forking over up to 40% of all infrastructure funding and there is no way, in hell, that Ford is going to pass up that kind of largess on politically advantageous projects.
when you say that RER will get built on time, what exactly do you mean by that? There are no stated completion dates for RER anywhere. It used to be 2025, but no more.
Granted, it's 2027 for Ontario line.
The TTC is packed up even before 6:30 on most days. Sure, it's better than 7-9, but it's still not low enough to warrant free transit.
This seems like negativity for negativity's sake, and I completely disagree. There aren't many people on the TTC, or on the roads for that matter before 7:30am. 6:30am is nearly empty.
when you say that RER will get built on time, what exactly do you mean by that? There are no stated completion dates for RER anywhere. It used to be 2025, but no more.
Granted, it's 2027 for Ontario line.
Very quiet mentions (in some Metrolinx documents) indicates 2028 for GO Expansion. They're hard to find, not the same tooted intensity as 2025, but the number 2028 is there.
From the article:

Each project is unique, Verster said. The Ontario Line is the “crown jewel,” he said, and it’s very important to Metrolinx in terms of connectivity, in part because it represents a departure from the radial pattern of transit lines that tends to develop as jurisdictions overcome long periods of transit stagnation.

“Radial is not going to get us the maximum economic impact,” Verster said.

How is OL not a radial line?

