Again, conversion of the Sheppard subway into an LRT would be a huge waste of money, especially if the OL heads north to Sheppard.
If the OL heads north to Sheppard then Sheppard itself will see even less ridership than today. If Sheppard ridership drops again simply because of the existence of the OL and Scarborough line then we will have to decide if we're doing nothing, building LRT or we are going to double down and continue to over build with a subway extension. Likely it's down to option one (nothing) or option two (lrt)
Again, conversion of the Sheppard subway into an LRT would be a huge waste of money, especially if the OL heads north to Sheppard.

Depends on what they do. If OL goes North, then maybe it makes sense to convert Sheppard into the same technology and make it part of the OL. If they do Sheppard East, a minimal conversion into high floor LRT makes sense, otherwise if you thought people whined about the Kennedy transfer, wait till you see people complain about a forced linear transfer for a mere 5 stations.
Again, conversion of the Sheppard subway into an LRT would be a huge waste of money, especially if the OL heads north to Sheppard.
Depends. If Ontario Line is an underground LRT, then Sheppard East can be an LRT that continues onto Ontario Line.

Probably not going to be LRT technology, as Ontario Line should have a higher capacity train than that.

The Ontario Line and the Sheppard East could share the same train technology, regardless of whether it is the same or different train technology as Sheppard Subway.

IF (Sheppard East = LRT) THEN
    Ontario Line can be LRT subway and connect to Sheppard East
ELSE IF (Sheppard East = Heavy Metro) THEN
    Ontario Line should be Heavy Metro subway and connect to Sheppard / Sheppard East (either direction).
If the OL heads north to Sheppard then Sheppard itself will see even less ridership than today. If Sheppard ridership drops again simply because of the existence of the OL and Scarborough line then we will have to decide if we're doing nothing, building LRT or we are going to double down and continue to over build with a subway extension. Likely it's down to option one (nothing) or option two (lrt)
Less ridership for line 4, yes. Less ridership for the Sheppard corridor, no. The line will just have to be extended to tap into new source of passenger, be it heavy rail or high-floor LRT.

I'll wager Sheppard lrt has more chance of being built than Jane. Now both are super low on the priority list but if the Scarborough extension gets to Sheppard and the OL gets to Sheppard than all that Sheppard needs going east west is a LRT. LRT conversion of the Sheppard subway is the ideal after people see what Eglinton looks like.
Except the residents in north Scarborough can be both transit users and drivers, and some of them look to the viva BRT as the example (which has wonderful transit shelters by the way).
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Did anyone notice how all the talk of how the relief line must go all the way to Sheppard in order to actually work, has completely died since the debut of the Ontario Line? I await the article that will explain the terrific news that the Line 1 capacity crisis is not as severe as we were previously told. An article that will explain how all their previous studies were bunk, therefore the Eglinton to Sheppard leg is not a priority anymore.

I've never heard that. I heard the Relief Line was to relieve Bloor/Yonge station specifically and points south by siphoning off commuters from areas to the east, like Scarborough. The Don Mills LRT did go north to Sheppard, but Metro city was to expand LRT everywhere (as a cheaper alternative to subways). Relief to B/Y because more people would be coming south down Line 1 when it is extended.
I'll wager Sheppard lrt has more chance of being built than Jane. Now both are super low on the priority list but if the Scarborough extension gets to Sheppard and the OL gets to Sheppard than all that Sheppard needs going east west is a LRT. LRT conversion of the Sheppard subway is the ideal after people see what Eglinton looks like.

Put down the crackpipe. Lol!
TTC staff confirm this morning that the only Ontario Line design work done to date is conceptual. The contractor who wins the bid will be responsible for geotechnical design, etc. OL is “between zero and ten percent design” now, which is a very big spread.
If the OL heads north to Sheppard then Sheppard itself will see even less ridership than today. If Sheppard ridership drops again simply because of the existence of the OL and Scarborough line then we will have to decide if we're doing nothing, building LRT or we are going to double down and continue to over build with a subway extension. Likely it's down to option one (nothing) or option two (lrt)

Good point. If the goal of Scarborough subway extensions is to get people downtown, then an LRT to Sheppard wouldn't be much different than a subway connection if the OL goes to Sheppard.

Overall, Sheppard should be a full subway extension since there's already a line there. It gets a lot harder to justify with a B-D extension in place too.

Miller's biggest mistake was not having the Scarborough LRT well under construction before he left office. That means right now we'd have a new Scarborough LRT in operation, and we could be talking about the Eglinton East LRT extension, or extending Sheppard to STC.

Otherwise, there's really no need at all for two major subway extensions into Scarborough.

If they're going to build the SSE, extending the OL/DRL to Sheppard is a much bigger priority than a Sheppard extension.
TTC staff confirm this morning that the only Ontario Line design work done to date is conceptual. The contractor who wins the bid will be responsible for geotechnical design, etc. OL is “between zero and ten percent design” now, which is a very big spread.

We also now have some numbers on the projected capacity.

Miller's biggest mistake was not having the Scarborough LRT well under construction before he left office. That means right now we'd have a new Scarborough LRT in operation, and we could be talking about the Eglinton East LRT extension, or extending Sheppard to STC.

I don't think anyone at the time could have foresaw what a shit show Scarborough transit would become. But here we are... almost ten years since Miller left office, and still not a single shovel in the ground on Sheppard, Eglinton East, or the Line 2 extension.
