Hoarding going up around the parking lots. And around treed areas at the west end.

Last I heard, the contract for tree cutting on the West Island had not yet been let. But that may have changed.


No permits have been pulled for the parking garage as yet. * the province does not need to get permits from the City under the law, but typically does, as its a second check by the City's Engineers for structure/code compliance.

I would wager this may be for serving infra. and/or borehole testing or remediation, none of which would trigger a City permit.
from the article what the ministry of infrastructure is saying whats happening here

A spokesperson for Kinga Surma tells blogTO that, "As part of the Ontario Place redevelopment project, perimeter fencing has been put up across Lake Shore Boulevard and throughout the property to ready the site for site servicing construction activities, which includes designing new internal infrastructure for water, sanitary, storm, electrical, gas and telecommunication systems."

"This work requires heavy machinery and construction equipment, as well as trained personnel with proper safety gear."

"To ensure safety and longevity of the perimeter fencing, solid wooden hoarding has been installed along Lake Shore Boulevard," says the minister's spokesperson, adding that the province's "first priority is ensuring the health and safety of our visitors and workers."
Not a very clean shot from Saturday.
from what i can tell, this is actually quite routine for the auditor general, they have "value for money" audits of everything the government does.
That includes this one
from what i can tell, this is actually quite routine for the auditor general, they have "value for money" audits of everything the government does.
That includes this one

Kind of like the value of money audits for the greenbelt landswaps - it's not about the actual act of audit, but what the audit will or will not report.

I'd rather have a park where I can shoot those water cannon thingies at Mr. picard102 as he's comin' down the slide like they did with the original water park back in the 70's... <3
