I'm confused...wasn't there already a plan for Ontario Place being implemented?

It feels like very little has been done.

Atlantis was a very good event venue - too bad they've closed.

I miss the old Ontario Place, to be honest. I wish they could've just improved on that.
There is work being done on a small portion, but that was the only approved plan. The rest was possibilities!
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AoD, Toronto has many shortcomings we can agree, but this is Ontario Place, not Toronto Place. If the Province had the cojones, a " Stanley Park " or facsimile could be created here.
AoD, Toronto has many shortcomings we can agree, but this is Ontario Place, not Toronto Place. If the Province had the cojones, a " Stanley Park " or facsimile could be created here.

Stanley Park is an old growth forest right by functional urban fabric, Ontario place is lakefill in the middle of nowhere separated from the city physically and psychologically - cojones or not, that's the context. And on the matter of cojones - this province isn't exactly known for an excess of that - just look at how inspiring their master plan was. Depending on them to bring spectacular is like expecting IO of nowadays to produce the Louvre.

This scares me! I do NOT want to see this park/public space sold off. I will not be voting Liberal if that happens, that's for sure!

I'm glad Ontario Place is nothing like Stanley Park! I'm an urbanite and I don't want a wilderness park there. We have places along our ravine system and along the east watrerfront/Leslie St Spit for people who want that. (Also Rouge Park) We have very few animated, fun, urban parks in this city/province, so I'd much rather keep this an urban park where we can hold large events and festivals. Yes, it needs to be integrated with the CNE and it also needs better public transit.
I'm confused...wasn't there already a plan for Ontario Place being implemented?

It feels like very little has been done.

Atlantis was a very good event venue - too bad they've closed.

I miss the old Ontario Place, to be honest. I wish they could've just improved on that.
YEP, I agree!
. What need to be done is combining it with the Ex and coming up with a coherent master plan - not only for what to do with the land, but also how it can be connected to the rest of the city. Without that the whole exercise is pointless.
Amen to this!
Stanley Park is an old growth forest right by functional urban fabric, Ontario place is lakefill in the middle of nowhere separated from the city physically and psychologically - cojones or not, that's the context. And on the matter of cojones - this province isn't exactly known for an excess of that - just look at how inspiring their master plan was. Depending on them to bring spectacular is like expecting IO of nowadays to produce the Louvre.

Then move Billy Bishop to Ontario Place and give the islands back to the people...
It was hidden in an omnibus bill - and finally gotten discovered. That said, "disposed off" could be anything - selling off the land is just the crudest of the possibilities (nevertheless, it is a possibility enabled by the legislation)

The most shocking thing (IMO) was the response to questions about this from the minister involved. She answered the questions with

""It's there, I don't know why it's there, it's there"..

hardly words you want to hear from a cabinet minister?
Then move Billy Bishop to Ontario Place and give the islands back to the people...

The possibility of that happening is close to zilch - can you imagine a) having to compensate the owners of YTZ terminal b) the TPA getting the land from the province c) the EA that will involve and d) the cost of site formation? What's all that work for?

The possibility of that happening is close to zilch
I know, never going to happen.

As for integrating OP with the CNE grounds; what for? The CNE grounds for the most part outside of the trade show and event space is empty, especially in the winter. Most of the space is a combination of parking lots and fields of scrub, grass and asphalt.

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I know, never going to happen.

As for integrating OP with the CNE grounds; what for? The CNE grounds for the most part outside of the trade show and event space is empty, especially in the winter. Most of the space is a combination of parking lots and fields of scrub, grass and asphalt.
The Ex is right by a train station (and one that is slated to be even busier) with streetcar access and theoretically OP should have easy access to it - and yet it doesn't - precisely because of what you have just said. That is the reason why the success of OP is dependent on tackling the problems with the Ex.

I know, never going to happen.

As for integrating OP with the CNE grounds; what for? The CNE grounds for the most part outside of the trade show and event space is empty, especially in the winter. Most of the space is a combination of parking lots and fields of scrub, grass and asphalt.


Is that a tunnel between the direct energy centre and allstream centre?
Yes - there's a tunnel connecting both buildings
