Except for the possibility of the trees making the area look nice, otherwise it's pretty bland. Even shops at don mills makes it better. Splash pad, fountain areas cool down the heat during the summer when it's hot. Plus it's a good place for kids to play.

Get a grand fountain in this square. I've noticed that's something this city significantly lacks (and you can't tell me that the Berczy Park or Exhibition Grounds fountains are "grand".

Something akin to this:


or even this in Hamilton:

Get a grand fountain in this square. I've noticed that's something this city significantly lacks (and you can't tell me that the Berczy Park or Exhibition Grounds fountains are "grand".

Something akin to this:

hmm, the fountains at the exhibition are definitely more grand then the second above.
Okay not the first though.

Anyway I completely agree. Even the fountains at the exhibition would be much nicer and appreciated if they were located here !
What they really should have is a series of fountains along Princes' Boulevard at the Ex accentuating the linearity of that grand space.

That would have helped but the site does go unappreciated many days of the year. The same cannot be said about Canada Square, throughout the summer the area is very busy (yes in the winter not so much).

Anyway I'd encourage people to contact waterfront Toronto with their views, you can use the link here:
hmm, the fountains at the exhibition are definitely more grand then the second above.
Okay not the first though.

I personally find the older looking style fountains more grand than the more modern ones, the only way I'd say a modern fountain is grand is if it was huge. That and it's location is probably why I find this:


more "grand" than this:


Especially considering what it replaced:

There's also:
Surely Nathan Phillips Square belongs in this discussion. Or do only old round fountains count?
Surely Nathan Phillips Square belongs in this discussion. Or do only old round fountains count?

There's really not much to the "fountain" part of NPS.. It's just a few jets of water really. Not grand in any way. Fantastic for the square and the city hall, but not "grand".
Again please email waterfront Toronto, attended a meeting, something along those lines.

The chances of it actually changing anything are slim but if enough people mention this to them who knows ...
There's really not much to the "fountain" part of NPS.. It's just a few jets of water really. Not grand in any way. Fantastic for the square and the city hall, but not "grand".

If you wish to call it more of a reflecting pool than fountain, fine, but as a reflecting pool it is "grand". It is large, serene, popular with the "let's sit around a pool of water" crowd and otherwise serves an identical function to a "grand" fountain. I recognize it is modern and not faux-historical, so perhaps not to your taste.

I don't understand the call for a fountain at York Quay. Toronto has numerous fountains in varying states of repair and disrepair. If Toronto is lacking some grand historic fountain, and there is a reason to build such a thing, York Quay does not seem the place to do it. It is not that big a space and is to be used for events. Any fountain of notable size would significantly reduce the square's useability for events.
If you wish to call it more of a reflecting pool than fountain, fine, but as a reflecting pool it is "grand". It is large, serene, popular with the "let's sit around a pool of water" crowd and otherwise serves an identical function to a "grand" fountain. I recognize it is modern and not faux-historical, so perhaps not to your taste.

I don't understand the call for a fountain at York Quay. Toronto has numerous fountains in varying states of repair and disrepair. If Toronto is lacking some grand historic fountain, and there is a reason to build such a thing, York Quay does not seem the place to do it. It is not that big a space and is to be used for events. Any fountain of notable size would significantly reduce the square's useability for events.

Forget a grand fountain, what about a nice spash play area ! That's why sherborne common sugar beach are so much better in my opinion, both are heavily used !
