MafaldaBoy is so one week ago - this week it's JPbombales! (but yeah, he's not going quietly; good on him!)

Those poles are ugly and utterly lacking in any charm or style. You would think a city of our stature, sophistication and creativity could come up with something a little more attractive and unique.
Those poles are ugly and utterly lacking in any charm or style. You would think a city of our stature, sophistication and creativity could come up with something a little more attractive and unique.

They were probably the cheapest ones available...
Road names in West Don Lands approved by TEYCC.

That the Toronto and East York Community Council:

A. Approve the names "Trolley Crescent", "Cooperage Street", "Tannery Road" and "Rolling Mills Road" for proposed public streets located in the West Don Lands Redevelopment.
B. Recommend that:
1. City Council approve the name, "Palace Street" for a proposed public street located in the West Don Lands Redevelopment.
Nice, thanks! I love the name Trolley Crescent going around River City 1 and 2. I couldn't think of a more fitting name.
Nice, thanks! I love the name Trolley Crescent going around River City 1 and 2. I couldn't think of a more fitting name.
Personally not too fond of Trolley Crescent, especially because it will just be a tiny street serving River City 1 and 2 exclusively - it would have been much easier for addressing purposes and directions to simply have addresses on River.

I'm absolutely elated at the use of Palace Street, however, since this used to be what Front St was called.
Personally not too fond of Trolley Crescent, especially because it will just be a tiny street serving River City 1 and 2 exclusively - it would have been much easier for addressing purposes and directions to simply have addresses on River.

I'm absolutely elated at the use of Palace Street, however, since this used to be what Front St was called.

From the report:

"Palace Street" was not acceptable to Toronto Police Service, Toronto Fire Services and Toronto Emergency Medical Services as it is similar to "Palace Pier Court" and "Palace Arch Drive". It does not comply with The City of Toronto Street Naming Policy
approved by City Council at its meeting held on August 1, 2, 3 and 4, 2000 (Clause 9, Report 15 of the Works Committee), which states that "Similar sounding names such as Beach Avenue and Peach Avenue, or Apple Hill Road and Apple Road should be avoided. Due to non-compliance, it is recommended that this name not be approved."
