I find it interesting that they placed those large planters in the centre of the square. A tacit acknowledgement that it's too barren for the athletes to enjoy?

I'll bet they disappear late summer, right after the Para PanAm Games.

Large planters are springing up everywhere :)

At the High Park greenhouses during Doors Open we were told that somewhere around 150 of those planters (if I remember the number correctly) are being created to put around the city in places considered strategic during the Pan Am Games. After the games they will be move into parks where the Parks Department can maintain them. That might mean that those two stay there, or some of them stay, or they stay in some other arrangement so that markets can happen there… or maybe they'll all take off for other locations.

Although I respect the opinions of those who dislike Lawren Harris Square, I do think that it has been really well designed. When all of the building lots around it are built out and the trees mature a bit more I feel that it will be a fantastic space. I also like that the city is more open to gravel as a surface treatment as it works really well in urban areas.
Large planters are springing up everywhere :)

It's a nice idea, but they've placed some of these colourful planters at places like Lake Shore Blvd by the exhibition, where they're trying to disguise the huge, hideous, crumbling concrete traffic barriers. Roughly equivalent to a utility company's asphalt patchwork job on granite pavers that our public realm is famous for.
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Why the hell did kitty-litter gravel become the default surface option for Toronto's new little urban squares? It's dreary, it's not fun to walk through--it always ends up in your shoes--and it's totally unsuitable for sitting or lying on. Oh, wait it's cheap, and it's grey so it doesn't clash with anything except one's inner joy.

Remember how much Anakin Skywalker hated sand? That's pretty much how I feel about gravel. So, unless we're grooming our urban spaces for some as yet undocumented master race of humanoid-cats, leave the gravel for the logging roads and construction sites. We should be able to tell the difference between a park and a parking lot. Rant over.
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I would have preferred to have just seen the pavers continue into the square. Won't the gravel have to be raked frequently to keep it in order?
Why the hell did kitty-litter gravel become the default surface option for Toronto's new little urban squares? It's dreary, it's not fun to walk through--it always ends up in your shoes--and it's totally unsuitable for sitting or lying on. Oh, wait it's cheap, and it's grey so it doesn't clash with anything except one's inner joy.

Remember how much Anakin Skywalker hated sand? That's pretty much how I feel about gravel. So, unless we're grooming our urban spaces for some as yet undocumented master race of humanoid-cats, leave the gravel for the logging roads and construction sites. We should be able to tell the difference between a park and a parking lot. Rant over.

It seems worse because the trees aren't yet mature. The greenery can be above, in other words, not downtrodden and muddy under foot. Bah, the french know a thing or two about it...



  • Jardin-des-Tuileries-Garden.jpg
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I think the gravel is great. You see it used in cities worldwide. Works well there, a nice change here.
Pix taken 3 June 2015.

View attachment 47564

Again, this square has no focal point or gathering area, which is why they felt they needed the flower pots. I would have preferred an interesting paving of granite, to the grey stones. Will this square ever be beautiful? I just don't see it at this point.

My question is, were they trying to create a beautiful square? If yes, did they accomplish that goal? Does it have the potential to become beautiful? If not, why is that? Is it a question of money or does Toronto have an aversion to beauty?

I love how Parisians don't just plant trees but they sculpt them to create perfect shapes. When was the last time you saw the city of Toronto put that kind of effort into making Toronto look beautiful?

Of course, this square might have a different purpose from just being a pretty square. Maybe it was built to be a public market area or some other function, that would justify this design but at this point, I can only form opinions on what I see now.
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It seems worse because the trees aren't yet mature. The greenery can be above, in other words, not downtrodden and muddy under foot. Bah, the french know a thing or two about it...

View attachment 47613

In paris though there are very different rules for how the parks can be used. You're not allowed to go on grass, parks are gated and closed after hours and most parks do not allow dogs or animals in them.
In paris though there are very different rules for how the parks can be used. You're not allowed to go on grass, parks are gated and closed after hours and most parks do not allow dogs or animals in them.

How refreshing. We have plenty of spaces to throw a frisbee or let your dog poop. Can't we ever have anything nice?
Any idea when the retail will open ? Right after the games or some time later ?
Why the hell did kitty-litter gravel become the default surface option for Toronto's new little urban squares? It's dreary, it's not fun to walk through--it always ends up in your shoes--and it's totally unsuitable for sitting or lying on. Oh, wait it's cheap, and it's grey so it doesn't clash with anything except one's inner joy.

Remember how much Anakin Skywalker hated sand? That's pretty much how I feel about gravel. So, unless we're grooming our urban spaces for some as yet undocumented master race of humanoid-cats, leave the gravel for the logging roads and construction sites. We should be able to tell the difference between a park and a parking lot. Rant over.

Because we have to think about the dogs! It would be nice to enjoy a park without it being dominated by dogs. Gravel parks are not inviting for those who aren't walking a dog. It's a giant litterbox that smells like shit in the summer.
Any idea when the retail will open ? Right after the games or some time later ?

I was chatting with someone who's opening a café down here; he said it would be some time later, since they have to refit the space after the Games are done. I'd suspect the same would be true of all the retail.
