This is Hariri Pontarini? Yikes, I thought it was Kirkor or something. Way too many different motifs/themes, but all using the same materiality.

Branding it after the Panda project on Edward Street seems odd. I guess Lifetime feels like they've tapped into a marketing scheme that works effectively for them.
This development is huge. It's totally out of scale compared to the "downtown" that Markham is planning right next door, but this is what they need if they truly want to become denser. It's definitely a step up from the stuff they've been building "downtown" and will make the area feel more like one. Hopefully future developments offer improved density like this, and more active street presence comes along with the development.

However, it does not come without more congestion problems given the parking ratio. Hopefully the area (and VIVA as well) is ready to handle something like this.
If Markham was smart and focused on quality of life of residents, they would emphasize the "missing middle" rather than let these giant towers set a precedent. If these go through, then why would any developer propose the more modestly scaled developments in the nascent downtown of Markham. Are politicians more beholden to developers or residents?
This is Hariri Pontarini? Yikes, I thought it was Kirkor or something. Way too many different motifs/themes, but all using the same materiality.

Branding it after the Panda project on Edward Street seems odd. I guess Lifetime feels like they've tapped into a marketing scheme that works effectively for them.

Considering the significance of the panda in Chinese culture - it's easy to see why they are continuing that branding in a city with a large Chinese population
Panda is the perfect name. Giant and cuddly with tall towers expressing a hip balcony design but, useless in creating a vibrant city centre through increased density with it's bland mega block form.
Like I've always been saying . All the good-looking buildings are being built outside the city ! This project would look awesome at the waterfront !
To each their own. I don't find the theme good or good looking. 3XN's Bayside is a comparable that I find more redeeming. It's a big waterfront. As long as it's no where near finer grained urbanity or the possibility for it. That's where this development fails completely.
There's still plenty of development coming to the area. They have a bit of stuff nearby, 10 minutes to the grocery store and you can walk to the movies. Considering it's the suburbs, that's pretty good.
" The unit mix is set to include 982 one-bedroom layouts, 1,118 two-bedroom layouts, and 106 three-bedroom layouts "

56% of units will be family sized in this development. That is a pretty interesting reading of the market. If this does well, that could be a signal to other Markham projects.

"A Zoning Order for Buttonville Airport limits nearby buildings to a maximum height of 238 metres above sea level, which translates to approximately 18 storeys at this location. As a result, any zoning regulations permitting building heights above Buttonville's height cap would be subject to a holding provision, and would not be constructed without Transport Canada approval."

This sounds scarier than it is. It will likely just be rubber-stamped by Transport Canada I imagine?
Theres 28 storeys constructed and built by Times group on the other side of Warden. That height limits a bit more complicated.
56% of units will be family sized in this development.

Yeah, but I wonder if these family sized units will be 600 sq ft, which would be tight for many families. Ideally, these units would be 1000 sq ft., but any bets they are that big?
Theres 28 storeys constructed and built by Times group on the other side of Warden. That height limits a bit more complicated.
And I believe Times Group has already received approval for the next three buildings underway at the SE corner of Verclaire Gate and 7 -- which will be 16, 38, and 42 storeys.
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