The only reasons I can think of at the moment for not having a bridge for vehicles are: 1) More expensive to build (greater loads and width), 2) will cause more through traffic through the neighbourhood as people will be avoiding Spadina, and 3) engineering and design constraints.

The bridge that is going in still has quite a few engineering constraints such as locating the support column in the middle of the rail tracks (already agreed upon between CP, GO and City) and the height of the bridge. The bridge must be high enough to allow for enough clearance for future electrification of some of the tracks. This causes problems further problems as each end of the bridge will be about 5 feet higher than the ground level. This will be more evident as it intersects with Front St. where there is no room between the street and the rail corridor to allow for a proper slope at a decent grade.
When I was driving along the Gardiner today, I noticed how the crane, when in operation, moves fully across the highway and scares the s**t out of some drivers.

Wow, Montage looks great without its crane in that picture.

Panorama is so the 'lost child' of CityPlace

P.s. They got their 28 story variance.
I agree that it's a "lost child", but I don't believe it was actually part of the original CityPlace plan. I think Concord just happened to pick up that piece of land separately
The only reasons I can think of at the moment for not having a bridge for vehicles are: 1) More expensive to build (greater loads and width), 2) will cause more through traffic through the neighbourhood as people will be avoiding Spadina, and 3) engineering and design constraints.

The bridge that is going in still has quite a few engineering constraints such as locating the support column in the middle of the rail tracks (already agreed upon between CP, GO and City) and the height of the bridge. The bridge must be high enough to allow for enough clearance for future electrification of some of the tracks. This causes problems further problems as each end of the bridge will be about 5 feet higher than the ground level. This will be more evident as it intersects with Front St. where there is no room between the street and the rail corridor to allow for a proper slope at a decent grade.

While I appreciate your informative and probably correct assumptions marcus, I would bet it is almost entirely money based.

Engineering this kind of bridge is not something out of the ordinary nor is it overly difficult- naturally there may be some space constraints and traffic issues to be worked out, but I would assume that with some thought these issues would be resolved. Bottom line is, they didn't want to pony up the cash. Now, the city should have demanded a full-fledged bridge, but I am sure it is too far in the game for any changes.

Nice pics, CGM.

Does anybody know how high the podium will be in relation to the gardiner?
^ Nice to make the Gardiner out of transparent plastic :rolleyes:

Do they really think that little parkette under the Gardiner is realistic? Last time I checked, grass requires sun light to grow.

It looks like yet another part of the Gardiner will be hidden from view from the general public.... but people in the podium suites facing north are going to have quite a hideous view and will remain in a shadow for most of the day.
in the podium facing north ... you also have the option of seeing eye-to-eye with cars driving on the Gardiner if your are on the 6th or 7th floor ... but I'm not sure what's worst, being below the bridge or being at the same level as Gardiner with all the traffic noise and head lights shinning in~
Perhaps the podium units will be for cars (above ground garage like most other Gardiner hugging buidlings - 18 Yonge St, Pinnacle) and for amenities.

This section of Lakeshore will look great once all of these developers are complete and that industrial building is artfully converted into something useful.
it would have been nice if they put above grade parking along podium section abutting Gardiner like 18 Yonge or Pinnacle ... but nope Concord Adex decide to actually put residential units in there (see below) ... really makes you wonder how 'well' that sold

No way! But I guess I underestimated the market for hall-way kitchens, bizarrely shaped rooms that prevent you from using space and bathtubs made of envelops. I stand corrected and amused. I also stand saddened but at 6'3 I'll get over it and move on.
