Just reading the ad in the Condo Guide....it certainly implies tall...."own the sky", "look far and wide", "embrace the infinity of the sky", etc.....and what's with the comment "exclusive amenities, private elevator"...??

Wouldn't this imply something mixed use?

Although I am sure Mike in TO's info is impeccable, as always..:)
It would be cool if this was the signature tower. I would not mind if cityplace used that messer tower from the absolute contest. That was the one with all the different colour glass if anyone forgets. It would look cool there
If Concord has aquired the 'flatiron' site next to the Loblaws warehouse then it looks like they've given Quadrangle Architects the boot because that loopy rendering looks nothing like the Quadrangle cluncker.
Here's hoping.
That looks like it could be an incredible landmark project!
from the drawing it looks like it is up in the air.. so i guess not.
It's the location that GB mentioned above... east of Bathurst and Lakeshore Blvd.
That swooshy graphic looks a bit 'Marvin The Martian' to me.
From Inside Architecture magazine, January 2007:

"...Contributing architect Jens Gregor used themes of modern domesticity and cleanliness as his inspiration for a condominium he designed for Concord Adex in Toronto's downtown area. Said Gregor, 'I have always been fascinated by the way laundry baskets appear when stacked upside down. I wanted to bring this feeling of fascination to Toronto's skyline.' The building is tentatively called Panorama...."
Intrigued by stacked laundry baskets..? And I thought I was loopy.
