
Beautiful pics, T-Squared!
I wish we couldn't see it from Queens Quay... but only because I wish there were buildings there and not parking lots. Seeing Panorama is immeasurably better than seeing just the Gardiner from Queens Quay though!


Great pic, in 2-3 years you will see in this same area, the Panorama complete also the Tip Top 26 storey condo, the 15 storey LTD lofts, the 28-30 storey second phase of Harbourfront city, and the 38 storey Neptune north and 15 storey Neptune south. you may even see some excavations of some of the proposed 25-40 storey towers for that Fort York neighbourhood. With the addition of the new Bathurst st. bridge, bike trails and new parks this is going to be a great place to live and play. :)
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In the near future all of that space will be just as dense :)
couple of pics of Panorama posted by Jasonzed over at SSC...


Pics of the Tamil protest on the Gardiner with Panorama in background [via torontoist [URL="http://torontoist.com/2009/05/tamils_take_to_the_gardiner.php"[/URL]

In any other country, pics like the last one would show the police hauling these protesters away, while possibly using tear gas, batons, or water cannons. Great pic though. I love the look and style of this building but I would never buy on the Gardiner side due to noise.
