As a golfer I sure do wish that range and pitch-and-putt was still there. It'd be awesome to have that only a two minute walk from home.
Golf courses should all be eradicated,:mad:, they should never be within city limits. What a waste of space, and real estate.:rolleyes: I wanna say I'm kidding , but I'm half serious. They often break up the fabric of a neighborhood for some stanky elites to parade around in funny shorts, with Rodney Dangerfield. (Poop, better go find my boxing gloves for this)
Golf courses should all be eradicated,:mad:, they should never be within city limits. What a waste of space, and real estate.:rolleyes: I wanna say I'm kidding , but I'm half serious. They often break up the fabric of a neighborhood for some stanky elites to parade around in funny shorts, with Rodney Dangerfield. (Poop, better go find my boxing gloves for this)

The driving range on the docks in NYC drastically increases the area and the look of it in my opinion. Same with the one there.
In that, I was wrong. I could have sworn that the area had been occupied by derelict industrial / warehousing buildings, but evidently the entire area had been taken up by rail yards (and parking lots?), as I now recall several photos from the 1960s and early 1970s that clearly showed this. The old industrial district must have been south of the rail yards.

There were two roundhouses (the one with Steam Whistle still survives), The John Street Water Pumping Station, which was rebuilt south of the Dome and the rail yards. The old industrial district was north of Front Street. All the old buildings in the Entertainment District were factories at one point. Some industry was also found along the lake.
Golf courses should all be eradicated,:mad:, they should never be within city limits. What a waste of space, and real estate.:rolleyes: I wanna say I'm kidding , but I'm half serious. They often break up the fabric of a neighborhood for some stanky elites to parade around in funny shorts, with Rodney Dangerfield. (Poop, better go find my boxing gloves for this)

You're on too something! Personally, I think the inner city courses should be converted to urban farms. (And, no, I'm not kidding.)
I'm not a big fan of golf courses within the city either. There are 3 huge ones in Etobicoke centre alone!!
Wait a minute. Urban farms are a bad idea. Imagine all the polluted soil here for starters. Secondly, who wants to see and smell John Deere's plowing and manure spreading at 4am? That's when I used to do it, as farming is really a 24 hours a day gig.
Yeah right. Who in Toronto is gonna pay NYC prices for organic veggies? We're talking $$$$ for basic veggies. The mennonite organic farmers of the Lake Erie and Waterloo County regions have got this city covered just fine, for better prices.
They're co-ops, you tend your own patch of veggieez, communally watch each others plot, the labor is the cost,...for some theres a great deal of pleasure, in returning to the land in a small way. For some it's better than a golf course??
Toronto has many vegetable garden co-ops already. Large scale co-ops never work, unless there's strong organization behind it. Not gonna happen in Toronto, unless the Mennonites control it! (Ok maybe if you're a Taurus, Cancer or Scorpio--they all love to hang around gardens...)
Golf courses should all be eradicated,:mad:, they should never be within city limits. What a waste of space, and real estate.:rolleyes: I wanna say I'm kidding , but I'm half serious. They often break up the fabric of a neighborhood for some stanky elites to parade around in funny shorts, with Rodney Dangerfield. (Poop, better go find my boxing gloves for this)

Get out. Golf is amazing. And it's by no means an elite sport, seeing as there are decent courses for $40-60 a round. If that's too much to spend for a round of one of the most relaxing, enjoyable sports around, then you're a stanky poor person whose opinion doesn't matter.

The Don Valley Golf Club should never be touched. What else are we going to put down there? There's enough public space in the Don Valley already. Same goes for the other Toronto golf courses. None of them are in an area that's particularly urban, and are surrounded by empty or underutilized lots that can be converted to public greenspace or residential before the golf courses.
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