That black netting makes Parade I look 10x better.

Haha, I agree. I told that to Concord's Director of Dev. and he looked up and thought it looked pretty neat too. Kind of makes me hope there is a defect and that Concord considers trying a different colour glass.

PS. Cladding is already up on the bridge. Looks to be completely mullion free. Quite different than the glass used on the towers.
That black netting makes Parade I look 10x better.

Plus, with the black netting the building appears to have some architectural detail on the north facade since it acts like an accent. Maybe the people at Concord can finally address this deficiency: their buildings seem to be designed as if no one will see the north facades when they're actually highly visible. There need to be interesting details on the north facades, not just grey curtain wall and mechanical boxes. Concord should swallow their pride and improve the north facades on new buildings at CityPlace with more interesting architectural details. It would be so much better for the city, especially as that stretch of Front Street north of CityPlace revitalizes in the coming years.
Taken today. I am for the black netting as well. Here is a shot of the bridge with it`s curtainwall - hard to tell, but I`m sure there will be better shots when it`s ready to be installed.


I also agree that the black netting really enhances the building. It adds an extra visual element and dimension of interest to the facade. My problem with the Parade towers is that (even with a circular tower), the cladding and design looks really banal. I feel that Cityplace has really taken a step backwards in terms of design standards on this one, considering that earlier phases like Luna and Montage featured more appealing architecture.
Did I miss something? Did Concord have a problem with the balcony glass on Parade 1 or is this being done as some precautionary measure for the lift of the bridge? I agree with the colour making a difference. The contrast is what these towers could really use.
Yeah, that would be something if they installed new glass and went with that black. It would be a magnificent day at UT.
If they made the balcony glass black and replaced the grey spandrel with white, that would really be AMAZING!
Did I miss something? Did Concord have a problem with the balcony glass on Parade 1 or is this being done as some precautionary measure for the lift of the bridge? I agree with the colour making a difference. The contrast is what these towers could really use.

Entirely precautionary, but nothing to do with the bridge. Concord used the same supplier for the balcony glass as some other developers which have had issues with falling glass. None has fallen from any of Concord's buildings, however just to be safe, they have installed black mesh on this tower, and their Discovery I and II towers in North York until they are 100% sure that the problem doesn't effect them.
Sadly it is. They wanted to expand the things the bridge could possibly be used for. SkyBridge was too limiting, but Rogers Centre bridge makes it more inviting to conventions, concerts and other events.
