Concrete footing/base poured for the elevators! Almost half done - this thing is huge!



Looks like they're using the neighbouring condo's unused tennis court for something - possibly involving the backfill as there is no room within the fenced area.






Appreciate all of the photos of the condo's progress! I have also bought a unit in this building.
Do you think they are moving really slow so far?

Since construction began in June, they have basically dug the hole and framed maybe half of the lower building/parking area. I figured a majority of the structure would have been completed this year, but so far it does not look like it.

I am kind of doubting that people will be moving in on time at the end of 2012/start of 2013. They would need to complete quite a lot of work next year for that to be possible...
Nah I think everything is going as planned. They have like 25 guys working Mon-Saturday from 8am-5pm. I think once they get the parking garage done, the wood framed structure will go up in no time.

By the looks of it, the garage should be done by mid-end of November. I'm no expert but I can't see framing taking more than a month. Don't know if they'll do it through the winter though..
Getting closer to the end! Click for HQ

Still looking like the end of November to complete the underground. Fingers crossed!
Nice update. Not to be a downer, but I think construction has gone incredibly slow so far. They started in June and have not even completed the foundation and it's now November.
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You gotta keep in mind that although the building looks small, it is pretty big. 180 Units, 120,000 sq feet. Probably comparable to an 18 story building.

The hardest/most time consuming part of condos is the foundation as everything has to be perfect, and as this building has such a huge footprint, it takes a long time. They started excavating on July 5th, so it's only been four months.

That being said, I agree it will probably be delayed ;)

On a happier note, here are two pictures from today. They started backfilling, and it looked like they started forming the ramp to the underground garage.


