While I have my reservations about the massing of new elements and the covered driveway, entrance. This reno is all about quality materials.
A few close-ups from the last few days. Notice a cladding had a grain to it.



Will someone *please* get evening shots of this from further back so that we get an overall view of the night-lighting? Thanks in advance!

Certainly not dismissing your eye for the composition of the scene (which TBH I took for granted coming from you).

Actually, I think a smartphone is a good lead-in to "real" photography. I'm thinking about getting a starter camera but I'm not sure where to begin. I'm open to suggestions if anyone wants to DM me. Thx.
Actually, I think a smartphone is a good lead-in to "real" photography. I'm thinking about getting a starter camera but I'm not sure where to begin. I'm open to suggestions if anyone wants to DM me. Thx.

I have a Sony a6000 (an introductory mirrorless, changable lens camera), fairly easy to use and not that expensive - though it is an older model and doesn't have OIS (which your iphone 12 does) either.

I have a Sony a6000 (an introductory mirrorless, changable lens camera), fairly easy to use and not that expensive - though it is an older model and doesn't have OIS either.

I love the a6000. Great value, excellent pics.

The only "complaint" if any is one that I typically levy at Sony products - so-so UI/software.

Depends on the system. Sony's A7 series has a lovely UI - subjective for sure but I'm in the "you get what you pay for" camp
Great to have the sidewalk finally reopened. I also like the colonnade stretching from Bloor all the way to Prince Arthur - handy for rainy /blustery days.
