As a friend pointed out to me, the slats will present a perfect roosting place for pigeons and birds, who will contibute their own "artwork" in time. I wonder if the architect considered this in the design? This could end up being the "Pigeon House". Let's hope not.

I looked at the cladding carefully the other day and think pigeons could not roost on or behind the upper slats BUT there appears to be a perfect pigeon nesting area immediately at the bottom of the slats. Maybe they will have some sort of anti-pigeon barrier, they do seem to be on top of things. I guess we will see!
^ I thought the same thing. That ledge at the top of the glass windows on the ground floor is recessed enough to accomodate a pigeon or two, but that’s awfully close to the ground and I think they will be discouraged from roosting there with all the pedestrian traffic passing by a few feet below. However, what does concern me is the deep setback at the top of the third and fourth floors fronting Parliament St., not to mention the narrower ledge at the base of the fifth floor on the other three sides of the building. Now that the Parliament Street railway underpass has been pigeon proofed (wire mesh screening), those pesky pigeons might seek out other suitable nearby accommodation. The third and fourth floor setbacks on the datacenter might just offer the displaced pigeons an ideal place to congregate and sunbathe at their leisure. In the past I’ve had the fortune to observe a certain red tail hawk that calls the Distillery its home (it used to nest in one of the green cupolas). If it’s still around, maybe it will keep the pigeons at bay. As DSC stated, time will tell...
Jan 22
More up on site. Really like the finish look and not your run of the mill projects.




Wow, yeah, it's a really interesting building. I could look at that finish for a while. Cool.
I too like pigeons but worry about how it looks.

I too like looks but pigeon about how it worry.

Now that we have eliminated most of the variations, can we move on from the pigeons? The slats have been up since October, and yet we haven't seen any nests. Not even the winter birds.
Ah, the good old UT Switcharoo.

How it looks I like too, but worry about pigeons. Maybe they could purchase an Eagle to keep away the pigeons. Don't we already have one at Queens Park? Or maybe if for whatever reason people don't like the idea of birds of prey circling their workplace, one of those Eagle noisemakers. It's been pretty effective at keeping the pigeons away at Bathurst Station.

Anyways public plants in this city don't seem to ever live too long, so I don't think vines would be suitable here.
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Well, we could get eagles to keep the pigeons away, but then the eagles will get out of hand, so we'll need something to keep that population in check. Dragons, I guess. But then the dragons will overrun the city, and we'll have to get whatever preys on dragons. Matthew Mcconaughey? But he's an apex predator, so he'd just overrun the city, and then no-one would be allowed to wear shirts. Best to just shut up about the damn pigeons.
As the building becomes more of a part of the neighbourhood - I find myself wondering about how better it would look with all the hydro lines buried
