The GTAA spent billions on that central processor just so that we can have Quonset hut Pier G and H now? Good grief.

To be fair, I gather the Pier G expansion is temporary. It looks it and is standing in the middle of prime gating space.

The question is does Pier H follow the design language of the rest of T1? Because based on the master plan, it’s following the same layout as first planned.
Hey, GTAA has got to be the only org that hired someone from the US to build a grand terminal and then someone from HKIA to add to the ensemble something that looked like it is from a US airport - on a bad day.

To be fair, I gather the Pier G expansion is temporary. It looks it and is standing in the middle of prime gating space.

The question is does Pier H follow the design language of the rest of T1? Because based on the master plan, it’s following the same layout as first planned.

The current draft plan shows that Pier G has become the gate 193 extension which comprises of "5 gate contact stands, and one remote narrow body stand". While the 2008 plan called for Pier G to have, "a minimum of 22 bridged gates". That's a significant decrease in capacity.

GTAA will tell us that this is possible due to larger capacity aircraft being used at YYZ reducing the need for gates, and yet we are also told that eventually GTAA will have to tear down a parking garage and completely revamp both terminal buildings in order to accommodate more gates. This is patently absurd. The 40 year future of the airport can be accommodated by the 2008 plan plus the T1/T3 connection and a Transit terminal. NO NEED to put check in facilities at the transit terminal.
Glad to see that Montreal's plan for their terminals look far more ambitious than the garbage that the GTAA stitched together.
Compared to the 2008 plan, this is garbage. How inelegant. Is it not bad enough that leaving for the USA from T1 is a temp corrugated steel building? I hate that space. What a welcome to our city! Good grief.
Montreal’s Trudeau Airport has announced an expansion, interesting to compare to Pearson and its transit plans.

The only way Montreal even comes close to becoming competitive with Toronto is with high speed rail to Ottawa. Their combined CMA populations would still be 600k below the GTA. But at least close enough to really make a solid case for a good hub.

Right now, it's much easier to simply run feeder service out of Ottawa to Toronto and Montreal.
The current draft plan shows that Pier G has become the gate 193 extension which comprises of "5 gate contact stands, and one remote narrow body stand". While the 2008 plan called for Pier G to have, "a minimum of 22 bridged gates". That's a significant decrease in capacity.

GTAA will tell us that this is possible due to larger capacity aircraft being used at YYZ reducing the need for gates, and yet we are also told that eventually GTAA will have to tear down a parking garage and completely revamp both terminal buildings in order to accommodate more gates. This is patently absurd. The 40 year future of the airport can be accommodated by the 2008 plan plus the T1/T3 connection and a Transit terminal. NO NEED to put check in facilities at the transit terminal.
Ya but you can tell it's planned from the onset to be temporary. Pier G will come, after Pier H at some point depending on growth levels. Pier H is bigger anyway...

The only thing I'm curious about is will the new Pier H follow T1's design language, or will it be a glorified barn like YVR/YUL's expansions.
Glad to see that Montreal's plan for their terminals look far more ambitious than the garbage that the GTAA stitched together.
Really? This is about as realistic as Toronto's renderings from last year showing T1/T3 floating in the tarmac surrounded by gates on all sides.

Phase I is building the new garage (and the REM station beneath it) - while building an infield terminal very similar to Toronto's that will be accessed by bus. In future phases, they'll connect this terminal to groundside by extending the existing structure. I doubt this will happen before 2030-2040.

Remember that YUL doesn't have the architectural qualities of T1 and currently looks like the 60s forgot their airport. This gets them vaguely back in the game.
Ya but you can tell it's planned from the onset to be temporary. Pier G will come, after Pier H at some point depending on growth levels. Pier H is bigger anyway...

The only thing I'm curious about is will the new Pier H follow T1's design language, or will it be a glorified barn like YVR/YUL's expansions.

I respectfully disagree. I dont see anything to suggest that pier g will be anything more than a glorified remote stand vs being an actual teminal/concourse
I respectfully disagree. I dont see anything to suggest that pier g will be anything more than a glorified remote stand vs being an actual teminal/concourse
You are free to disagree, but the GTAA said it in their Master Plan that Pier G will come at some point in the future. Not near/medium term (which can change depending on traffic levels).
Remember that YUL doesn't have the architectural qualities of T1 and currently looks like the 60s forgot their airport. This gets them vaguely back in the game.
Terminal 1 at Pearson is one of the more impressive terminals in North America there's no doubt about that, while Montreal on the other hand did a pretty good job with the US Departures wing. With regards to the rest, I agree needs it needs an update.

However in terms of future plans, Montreal by far has a more ambitious plan for their terminal areas and gates than Toronto has and that's the point I was trying to hammer home. The terminals (both 1 and 3) at Pearson are practically at capacity at certain periods of the day, and their current plan does virtually nothing to address the issue. The future extensions to Terminal 1 will make the current Terminal 3 look stunning, and that's really saying something.
