I hope they incorporate some stores into the transit hub so those who are using it can have access to the shops. This is like how they have at Schipol airport where there are shops located in the Schipol plaza and you can shop there without having your passport checked. The train station is underneath the plaza.
I hope they incorporate some stores into the transit hub so those who are using it can have access to the shops. This is like how they have at Schipol airport where there are shops located in the Schipol plaza and you can shop there without having your passport checked. The train station is underneath the plaza.

I hope so too.
I can imagine the rail connections at Pearson being a Warden and Islington style connection. Stairs, elevators and escalators connecting the main floor to the Light Rail lines upstairs and the same downstairs for the GO lines. Even UPX could make a stop to ferry passengers to terminal 1 and Link train to terminal 3. Doesn't make sense getting rid of the link train for one very long bridge.
I can imagine the rail connections at Pearson being a Warden and Islington style connection. Stairs, elevators and escalators connecting the main floor to the Light Rail lines upstairs and the same downstairs for the GO lines. Even UPX could make a stop to ferry passengers to terminal 1 and Link train to terminal 3. Doesn't make sense getting rid of the link train for one very long bridge.
I mean, have you ever heard of a "Walkway Hub"?
I know but the distance is a bit far. About 700m from T3 and a km form T1.
Wait, what do you mean "I know"? I was being sarcastic; I've never heard of a "walkway hub". It would make much more sense to extend the train to the station, if security would allow it.
Wait, what do you mean "I know"? I was being sarcastic; I've never heard of a "walkway hub". It would make much more sense to extend the train to the station, if security would allow it.
Oh wow I didn't notice you were being sarcastic bit hard to tell?? But on a serious note definitely agree and there will be a passenger processing centre there. If they do get rid of the LINK, They should at least have a couple stores on the go.
Perhaps they would build a higher capacity People Mover that links the Transit Hub to T1 & T3, a la Orlando International. It would be even better if the People Mover was behind a security checkpoint, so people could proceed either to US Border Pre-clearance or directly to their gate after using it.
I can imagine the rail connections at Pearson being a Warden and Islington style connection. Stairs, elevators and escalators connecting the main floor to the Light Rail lines upstairs and the same downstairs for the GO lines. Even UPX could make a stop to ferry passengers to terminal 1 and Link train to terminal 3. Doesn't make sense getting rid of the link train for one very long bridge.

From preliminary drawings, this is how the connections will work. Regional rail on lower levels, and LRT above it.

