I love this cladding, it's a serious change from the day-to-day blah garbage which this city produces, mainly in the form of drab green glass.
Group me in with the "love it" category. I don't see what there is to dislike. Sure, we all would have loved it to be made of marble and limestone but i wouldnt bank on that happening anytime soon. This is a matter of preference though. And those that dislike the cladding are entitled to that opinion, but I am curious to know what it is about the cladding people dislike...
I also love it. The shine and the seamlessness of it are what i noticed right away, can't wait to see the circular parts.
Wrong again. I respect that they went for it with the colour.

But thanks for trying anyway.

No I suspect he's right at least that most people on the board like how this building is turning out so far. Should we do another poll? Those seem to give a good indication of how the majority feel about things on this site.
No I suspect he's right at least that most people on the board like how this building is turning out so far. Should we do another poll? Those seem to give a good indication of how the majority feel about things on this site.

Poll it if you want, what he got completely wrong was that I occupy some sort of figurative "corner".

I'm definitely leaning due to the shade, but I still can't decide whether the finished product will work or not.

The cladding on the middle section will make or break it for me.
I think it will depend on how those curvy parts pull everything together, but I am definitely optimistic.
I think the curves, and the sassy tartan/tweed fritted overcoat, work well with the general massiveness of the building, which is as delightfully unequivocal as we have come to expect from the best D+S buildings - Corus, the Four Seasons Centre etc.
While MaRS is an excellent building, I wished it had been clad in something more vibrant, more reflective of the structures highly technical interior. This building accomplishes the effect of glamorized research, even if it has somewhat ponderous bones under that glass.

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For those disagreeing with College Park here, read his post carefully and you will see he is actually criticizing the cladding on MaRS, not Sick Kids.
No I suspect he's right at least that most people on the board like how this building is turning out so far. Should we do another poll?

Exactly. But lets wait until this one is completed before introducing a poll, as there's still more interesting features yet to arrive. Of course so far the building has almost unanimously been viewed in a positive light with little suggestion that it could be classified as love-it or hate-it.

you will see he is actually criticizing the cladding on MaRS, not Sick Kids.

Duly noted and corrected. Also that means nobody is not in favor of this project.
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