Alsop's OCAD is fine, but he's seeming like a one-trick horse. Great, another building on stilts.

One-trick horse?!? Are you insane? Have you seen his British stuff?
Man I can not figure these boards out at times. Why is Alsop getting so much flap when he is actually creating something cool. We have a city full of Tridel to be negative don;t we?
I agree. Some of his stuff in the UK is awesome. And yes, we do seem to suffer from design schizophrenia from time to time
Great news for the city and my industry, however Alsop? Why?

This is a really good boost to my industry. I hope it brings lots of work to the city as we need it. Especially now that the old and new Govt's are not pressing our stations to film Dramas etc.

Hey guys, my industry as well!!! Just curious, what you guys do in the film industry? Message me via EZboard if you'd rather not say publically.
I don't mind! I am an actor and voice actor. So bring it on!

What are you in for?
I'm a porn star!

Actually I work in 3D, currently @ Nelvana on a childrens show.
I'm just waiting for the day that someone animates OCAD unpinning itself from it's moorings and taking a misunderstood Godzilla-like walk around town.
Interchange42: brilliant!!! I love it. Maybe if I get bored this summer and want a project to take on I'll steal this idea ;)
David Miller could detach the City Hall saucer and take OCAD down.
The CN Tower could always bend over and skewer any rampaging landmarks, and that giant venus flytrap of a place at its base could come in handy to quell rioting eyesores too.

We've got a pretty good movie coming together here boys - Cassius, Whistler, care to call a script meeting?

I'm a supporter of film production in this city. Bring on the studios.

Darkstar416, how did you get involved in that? I've often wanted to get into the film industry but went the Internet direction instead. After 11 years of working in my industry, I'm open to change. Actually, my brother works part-time on movie sets (setup, takedown, etc.) and my father works for Dreamworks in I guess it all runs in the family. These new studios will open up many more local opportunities.
It was sort of an accident as I had been studying to become a journalist, but have found myself in this inudstry instead for the last five years. I can give you lots of advice if you are looking to work on a set (since all set calls go through our office). If so, just e-mail me at: jason dot paris at sympatico dot ca
