It sure is.......not sure who their target market is.........:eek:

I went by the sales office today. There are 5 model suites all of which were decorated by 5 different designers so to give a broad range of tastes; it went from conservative to funky to traditional to modern. I didn't know that the land east of Pinnacle to Confederation along Burnhamthorpe is owned by the Rogers (cable) family. According to the sales person there is nothing on the books re: redevelopment. Hopefully, as MCC matures, Rogers will develop the land or sell it in parcels...

Construction is suppose to start later this year with a Dec, 2012 completion date.






Top two floors are mechanical






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I really love the podium portion of this. The tower is just "okay" like Pinnacle downtown is just "okay". I don't understand why developers keep pushing out this stuff.
Nice update Jason! So they have started sales on this?
Nice update Jason! So they have started sales on this?

Good question. I did not ask outright but they did give me a tour and provided me with a brochure along with a price list so I would say yes. Right now they are only selling the tower suites. The prices range from 219K for a 550sq one bedroom to over 423K+ for a 1150 three bedroom which includes 1 parking spot and a locker; there is a 1k floor premium.
At least the glass is not brown, I guess. And all those bare concrete walls on the podium will fit well with the big box across the street. This is a development that respects the local context. What more can you ask for.
I understand this is not related to the architecture, but I wanted to share my experience at the sales office today.

The experience was terrible! At first when you walk in, you see a grand room. Walking through the sales office was nothing more than your basic floor plans on the walls; far less technological as the other ones I've seen. I would have liked to see something more advanced with where this location is. I walked into the model suite - it was interesting! Many viewer walked in with us as well until the receptionist ran in and told us we were not allowed in without a sales rep - why? You build it to show people not have it presented to me with a sales pitch, no? I found this very irritating. The receptionist did tell us that the sales rep was showing the other suite and we can go in since she's in there already. We walked in and this is when it got awkward. The sales rep started yelling at the receptionist asking her why she allowed us in. From there, it turned us off and we wanted to leave with pamphlets. Again, we could not have them until we spoke to the sales rep. I found the experience too hard of a sell and really did not interest me. Everything that I wanted to do involved speaking with a sales rep (there were only 2 on site). That being said, if I wanted to see the model suite, I would have had to sit there until she was finished.

This sales centre was not very welcoming and deterred me. No thank you, I'd rather purchase a location where the sales team is not forcing themselves upon me.
I would have left immediately. I also would have contacted Pinnacle's head office.

They have to be one of Toronto's worst developers. Them and Conservatory Group. They push out crap, and more crap.
I'm suprised / sorry to hear of your experiece stationcreek ... but I must say Pinnacle is a highly regarded developer (in Vancouver) with a great record and their built product has rarely disappointed purchasers (no Conservatory Group is not even close as a comparable), though Bellagio on Bloor and Pinnacle Centre/Success are no architectural landmarks, the fit and finish of theses buildings are amazing ....

too bad the sales team at the Grand Park site totally messed up ~
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Some views of the five, count 'em five model suites at the Pinnacle Grand park sales office. Each of the suites has been designed by a different associate at Tanner Hill, with each suite intended to represent a different design sensibility.

Our first two images are from the 1,168 square foot, three bedroom, Uptown Classic corner suite.



Our next two images are from the 737 square foot, one bedroom, Downtown Chic suite.



Our next two images are from the 974 square foot, two bedroom, Midtown Couture corner suite.



Our next two images are from the 902 square foot, 2 bedroom, Country Glamour suite.



Our last five images are from the very whimsically decorated 614 square foot, one bedroom, Urban Delight suite.






Grand Park, 3975 Grand Park Dr, Burnamthorpe Rd W, L5B 4M6
$31,000,000 est
Start: March, 2011 Complete: January, 2012
Note: Working drawings are ongoing. Sales and marketing began early January, 2011. Schedules for Sub trade tender and construction will be finalized Spring 2011 based on occupancy. Further update March, 2011.
Project: concrete foundation, structural steel frame, fuel fired heating system, proposed construction of a 28 storey condominium building with 271 units. The building will include a six storey podium along Burnamthorpe Rd W, and a four storey and a three storey podium located northwest and southwest of the tower. Roof tops of the podia will comprise a green roof terrace and outdoor ammenity space. The six storey podium will house 8,000 sq ft of retail space.
Scope: 285,244 square feet; 28 storeys; 4 storeys below grade; 3 structures; 271 units; parking for 312 cars; 1 acres
Development: New
Category: Apartment bldgs; Retail, wholesale services
First report Fri Sep 11, 2009. Last report Wed Jul 07, 2010.
This report Thu Jan 13, 2011.
and another update from Daily Commercial News, posted with the usual warning.....

Grand Park, 3975 Grand Park Dr, Burnamthorpe Rd W, L5B 4M6

$31,000,000 est
Start: August, 2011 Complete: June, 2012

Note: Working drawings are complete. Sales and marketing began early spring, 2011. Owner is seeking site plan and building permit approvals. Excavation and site work are expected to begin May, 2011. Structural construction start will begin late summer/early fall, 2011. Sub trades will be secured August/September, 2011. Further update September, 2011.

Project: concrete foundation, structural steel frame, fuel fired heating system, proposed construction of a 28 storey condominium building with 271 units. The building will include a six storey podium along Burnamthorpe Rd W, and a four storey and a three storey podium located northwest and southwest of the tower. Roof tops of the podia will comprise a green roof terrace and outdoor ammenity space. The six storey podium will house 8,000 sq ft of retail space.
Scope: 285,244 square feet; 28 storeys; 4 storeys below grade; 3 structures; 271 units; parking for 312 cars; 1 acres

Development: New
Category: Apartment bldgs; Retail, wholesale services
I love this item to the last posting "structural steel frame" considering all condo are built with rebar these days. Concrete, precast and rebar put "structural steel frame" buildings out to pasture almost 30 years ago.

The BA has been the only structural steel frame building to go up over 15 floors since the late 80's and it was a hybrid one compare to the original that was started.

They maybe some structural steel frame, but it will be very small.
