Does anyone know why they are doing so much jackhammering in the new pit? Isn't all the dirt "off site fill" from when they filled in the lake? I don't remember them doing daily all-day jackhammering in the previous pit, which I would expect to be the same type of dirt.
^ There is more jackhammering this time as they are progressively chipping away at the concrete caisson wall from the previous phase shoring, but they did have to hammer their way through the same slate rock last time on the lower floors. The lake-fill only goes down a couple of storeys.
Interesting, thanks for the response. I saw them jackhammering the caisson wall, so that made sense. Just wasn't sure about the rest of the site. I didn't realise the fill material only went down a couple floors. I imagine excavation would be much quicker if they could just dig with the excavators.
When do they plan to close that part of Lake Shore Blvd on the NW corner of this site adjacent to the flagship tower 1 currently being excavated?
When do they plan to close that part of Lake Shore Blvd on the NW corner of this site adjacent to the flagship tower 1 currently being excavated?
They won't get rid of that curving connection until cars are able to proceed eastbound along an extended Harbour Street… whenever that is.

