Also... funny how Pinnacle is slowly inching their way back to this:

Wait long enough in the game of city planning and eventually you'll get what you want.

Pretty unfortunate and disappointing for purchasers of Skytower who were likely sold on the fact that they would have unobstructed views to the south given Pinnacle's previous plans for the office tower. Seems odd for Pinnacle to propose this new development now when they still have plenty of high rise (high price tag) suites to sell in sky tower. That inventory has now lost one of its main selling features.

The city desperately needs to fund the new QQE LRT. Its insane how many people living in these new developments (Sugar Wharf etc) just walk along under the gardiner on Lake Shore to get to the core. There's no sidewalks for people to walk on and drivers are going 60kmph.
If people walk along Lake Shore they are crazy but it is certainly true that the City MUST get the QQE LRT built. It was proposed almost 20 years ago with the slogan "Transit First" and several of the existing buildings on QQE were built with firm guarantees that it would be done when they opened. It is a real embarrassment to the City and WT that it is still unfunded and , though planning proceeds, there are no firm commitments to actually build it.
If people walk along Lake Shore they are crazy but it is certainly true that the City MUST get the QQE LRT built. It was proposed almost 20 years ago with the slogan "Transit First" and several of the existing buildings on QQE were built with firm guarantees that it would be done when they opened. It is a real embarrassment to the City and WT that it is still unfunded and , though planning proceeds, there are no firm commitments to actually build it.
I drive it daily and on any given day there's always 4-5 people jaywalking across here to get to Yonge Street. Super Dangerous.

The intersections of Lakeshore with Bay and Yonge are so hostile to humans that are not in cars that it would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.
The Lakeshore and Bay intersection has one giant Gardiner support pillar on the northeast corner that's literally a death trap waiting to happen.

Which unfortunately doesn't seem to be high on the city's list to address, nor will this development project address either.
I’m one of those miscreants. The light cycle there is incredibly long — the one at Lake Shore (under the Gardiner) is even longer. I make sure to do it safely though and wait it out until I’m confident there’s a big enough gap.

Fortunately this intersection won’t always look this way
Me too, whenever I'm in the area. I'm an impatient pedestrian...but very careful. I learned that from living in Mississauga.
The infrastructure by this intersection like you said is lacking, and is woefully inadequate for what is now a high density urban setting.
