Nov 7, 2020 Sunset
I have some news to share that is good for me, but it is mixed news with respect to my forum contributions...

I have accepted a new job that presents an exciting new opportunity. My final day at my current job is today, meaning this will be my last post of this project (and today for any pics of the entertainment district as a whole) from this angle.

Here's the nearly complete PJ Condos from this morning:

View attachment 281128

I had hoped to witness the rest of 19 Duncan's construction, and possibly even Mirvish Gehry from here, but alas, career must trump views. My new office is on a reasonably high floor in a quasi-suburban location. We'll see if it has any views worth sharing to UT. It is certainly possible...
Congrats on your new job!
Great shots Red Planet. I initially thought the patchiness of the pre-cast brick was just an optical quirk seen in long shots, but close-ups are indeed .. patchy. Is this the masonary equalivent of the ROM "Crystal" mis-match cladding curse?
It didn't seem that long ago that the Hyatt Regency looked a bit massive for the area. How times change....
I remember when it was being built - I think it started life as a Crowne Plaza or Holiday Inn. Other than the old warehouses (some of which had been converted to clubs by then) and the theatres, the neighborhood was filled with massive - and I mean massive - parking lots! The south side of King from Roy Thompson Hall to John (all the way to Wellington) was a gigantic lot before they built Metro Hall.
Not sure which one is nicer, this building or the Selby
I am gonna go with the Selby for now
