
I looked at those maps.

What does "protected" mean? Isn't that as good city or province changes their plan and extend the RRPL line more east or west?

Also, I have see land assembly in Scarborough where private companies buy about 6-7 houses and turn them into 20+ smaller 4-floor houses with a half-moon roadway and then charge the new owners a monthly fee without it being a condo corp. I assume there is no escape from that type of private development which is not high rise. Or is there protection against that too? (whatever "protection" means).

Since no one responded, I am assuming everyone thinks there is a greater risk that surrounds of these developments will become part of land assemblies or high rise development.
... "Newtonbrook Park", on an official city planning document ... hmm, i recall John Fillion specifically saying "it's not a park! there is nothing that names it as a park!" when that was a reason used for challenging the 175 cummer modular home plan

i assume the city uses the name here partly because it effects appearance of how much nearby parkland exists. i'm curious to see what the little green spot of parkland on this Plaza on Yonge site looks like when it's completed
a question about this site...

i know that the development proposals, designs etc have been posted on here. and, the plaza website has pics and promo stuff, but their site seems so sketchy it's hard to tell if it's live or just a prop. but, i have never seen any signage around the actual physical construction site giving notice about any upcoming work, or for consultations, or any kind of public info.

so does anybody know, what's up with that? why so little info about this thing, and how does it just jump right into construction with no apparent public notice? seems unlike other construction sites
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a question about this site...

i know that the development proposals, designs etc have been posted on here. and, the plaza website has pics and promo stuff, but their site seems so sketchy it's hard to tell if it's live or just a prop. but, i have never seen any signage around the actual physical construction site giving notice about any upcoming work, or for consultations, or any kind of public info.

so does anybody know, what's up with that? why so little info about this thing, and how does it just jump right into construction with no apparent public notice? seems unlike other construction sites
If you look back through this thread, you'll find all the info you're looking for in posts on the first two pages.

It was first proposed in 2016, the proposal was revised in 2017, and it was approved by (what was then the) LPAT (and is now the OLT) in 2018… so all of the public engagement was several years ago now. Site Plan Approval, which is not part of the public comment process, was sought right after LPAT approval in 2018.

Everything that's going on now is perfectly normal, and Plaza has enough money behind them that we never worried that something they've started wouldn't be completed.

This project isn't "sketchy". If you want to see "sketchy" projects,... boy oh boy is this the right place - just look next door! Directly to the south is Times Group 5800 Yonge that got way more height and density at OMB/OLT than they even requested (46, 48, 52 & 54-storey),... and are stalling now! Or look directly to the west at Yolanda Flanders (Conservatory Group) Inez Court project that's been off and on for the last 15 years,... only going on with Development Application when they feel they can get more Zoning or force CityPlanning to get them more favourable amenities from nearby development proposals!
What happens to residential properties close to these tall buildings? do they usually depreciate in value or appreciate and by how much on average?
What happens to residential properties close to these tall buildings? do they usually depreciate in value or appreciate and by how much on average?
If you're nervous and not comfortable with your real estate investment,.... just sell and move on before you freak out. There's a reason why the Mods set up a separate Real Estate thread for most Building Development threads,.....
If you're nervous and not comfortable with your real estate investment,.... just sell and move on before you freak out. There's a reason why the Mods set up a separate Real Estate thread for most Building Development threads,.....
It could also not be about being nervous or comfortable. I thinking more that no one has spent time on this or probably there is no effect.
