I've been registered with Post House for what must be the better part of a year now and I haven't so much as had a single email as far as I can remember, other than the one confirming my registration.
So who knows when this project is slated to start up.
I've been registered with Post House for what must be the better part of a year now and I haven't so much as had a single email as far as I can remember, other than the one confirming my registration.
So who knows when this project is slated to start up.

Just received an email requesting confirmation of interest...looks like they will be launching their sales efforts soon.
Looks like a sales centre for Post House Condos is being built in the retail base / podium of Rezen condos (on the Adelaide frontage).
I'd never have thought that you'd go for a project like this, ud. Not exactly a Dutch stack of match boxes, is it? Rather staid in the best/worst Toronto sense, no?
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Oh, I'm not saying I love it. Just that part of town has so many parking lots that need filling--King East should be rammed with pedestrians. Most days, without GB students around, it's rather quiet. Richmond and Adelaide are rather dead as well.

If I had to buy a condo right now? I really like the views and finishes at Pears on the Avenue. (Rich if conservative building. Great for divorcees....:)) But perhaps Dundas West needs some Freed-style condos--there's plenty of crappy plazas, from the Beer Store to LCBO to 711 etc that could handle nice 6-10s infill. That Azul lofts building looks like it will be an eyesore. Dundas & Dufferin--build it and I may buy. Another part of me is craving a 1950s bungalow in Mimico. (the older suburbs offer privacy which I prefer.)

Or how about a giant teepee? I love living in the woods, but within walking distance of art galleries etc. Will I have to build my own village?
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Evolution of Post House.

From this

To this

To this

I love infill developments! They always seem like more effort is put into the design of the area. Most of the time.
What I like is that the design has gotten better with each iteration. That's the sign of a good designer - the work gets better, not worse, the more it is revised.
Another rendering from Post House's brochure:

September 13 2010 update

Sales Office underway @ 317 Adelaide Street East
Went to the sales office today

Hi All,

I went to the Post House sales centre today, and it was quite the buzz.

I was initially interested in Curve Condos, but heard some real horrible things about Urbancorp and the delays and restructuring of the exterior and interior of the West Side Lofts (also built by Urbancorp).

The only thing I am wondering, is if anyone has heard more about Alterra? I have heard about some condos of theirs built in Brampton and Hamilton, which seemed to have rave reviews and where the finished product looked very similar to what was proposed at the beginning of construction, but I was wondering if anyone has heard any thing else about the builders. I have heard great things about the designer, but again the builders will make or break this deal for me

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

