The model--19 May 2011:


Compared to 2 and 8 Gladstone--all by the same architecture firm, TACT Design--this building outshines them both architecturally, which is why I've named it this week's RenderPornStar!
^^ Sexy! Will the retail include that Shawarma shop? LOL
I really hope this recent condo/loft boom in Parkdale doesn't kill the Parkdale Scene any more than it already has :(
^^ Sexy! Will the retail include that Shawarma shop? LOL
I really hope this recent condo/loft boom in Parkdale doesn't kill the Parkdale Scene any more than it already has :(

How can this kill the current scene when it has being dieing for decades?

This will help.
drum118, I believe DC83 is referring to the hipster/arts/bar scene in Parkdale, not the bums and urban poor. These condos will surelychange the area, probably forcing the lower rent types out eventually, and moving the artists further west or north--to Hamilton or the Junction?
Decent looking infill. We need a couple dozen more of these to fill the miscellaneous streetscape gaps and strip malls along the inconsistent, outer stretches of the Streetcar streets (especially Dundas West)
It's so bland and lacking in any sort of creative flourish. Even the colours are dull. Red brick would enliven it. The landscaping right beside the sidewalk at Queen and Dufferin will probably be some uninspired choice of one species of ornamental grass framed by bland concrete and litter-strewn in time. It's one thing to fill in streetscape gaps mid-block with such blandness, but it's disappointing to define a major intersection with such boring architecture. It would be nice to see some natural stone used for the steps. One of the few redeeming features is the form: the podium roofline nicely interacts with that of its lowrise neighbour for some streetscape cohesion.
Very nice, I definitely like the way the contextual elements are illustrated in the presentation.


That maybe, but please explain to me how this project in particular "ghettoize" the city considering the fact that isn't replacing any existing multi-bedroom residential units? That's on top of the questionable belief that you can't raise a family in a two bedroom unit - which is a self-made fallacy in North America.


You don't need 4000 sq. ft but 4 people in 800 sq.ft. Are you serious? Just because there are parts of the world that don't have the space and are confined to smaller places (and if they were given an option of 800 or 1600 sq. ft. which do you think they would choose) does not mean in a country where we do have the land that a family will live in 800 sq. ft. I think its ridiculous when I hear families in the suburbs moving into a 3000 sq ft and over house but 800 sq.ft.
Taste of tandoorree has moved out. The normally on top of things graffiti busters is not taking care of graffiti on walls. Wonder if that means things are about to start happening now.
Sales office has moved around the corner. Saw guys in the empty storefronts doing something yesterday. Graffiti is getting worse. I hope this is a sign that the eyesore is about to be reduced to rubble. ;)
Yes, nice to have this eyesore finally gone. Next step is the strip mall on the east side of the railway underpass to be developed.
