October 14 2009 update

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Oct 23







great photo update, thanks!

the building looks fine. I certainly wouldnt want to live facing the inner courtyard though. So much for the lake view for the long time residents of Tip Top Lofts...
Why do people hate tackiness so much? I love it at amusement parks, tourist traps, Times Square and sea-side resorts etc. A little of this on the waterfront is just fine as far as I'm concerned, and besides how would we ever appreciate good design without some tack around for contrast??
South Beach Marina reminds me of the towns at Star of Downtown, but somehow seem to fit in here better.

Great updates in the past couple of weeks folks!

Oh come on, it looks a lot better than the crappy townhomes of The Star Of Downtown. lol These don't look so bad.
Why do people hate tackiness so much? I love it at amusement parks, tourist traps, Times Square and sea-side resorts etc. A little of this on the waterfront is just fine as far as I'm concerned, and besides how would we ever appreciate good design without some tack around for contrast??

I agree, tack serves a useful purpose as an antidote to all the grey boxes!
