I live in West One facing west on 46. It's been fun watching all these condos go up, but I do miss seing the waterslides at Ontario place right behind Quay West.
June 19 2010 update

Quay West seen from the Island Ferry
Agreed. I'm really liking this project, I must get down and see it in person.
beatiful shots ... thanks dkojevnikov~

while the tower is a typical 'glass box' ... I do like the podium's staggered balconies and scattering of multi-coloured spandrels a lot :)
Very pretty tower, one of the more interesting aA towers imo. The brick looks nice as does the mix of glass and white precast. Very clean!!
Love the first pic, ud. This project is outstanding. Everyone, go see it in person and witness for yourselves just how superior it is in every way to West Harbour Sh*tty and WaterParkSh*tty.
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a few pics from Friday October 15, i forgot to resize the pics not sure how they'll come out

ground floor level

taller building

lobby in front of elevators to taller part of building

i managed to sneak up to my unit and snapped a few pics

view from the 14th floor – east side balcony looking south-east

view from the 14th floor – east side balcony looking east

pic of my unit looking east – the ‘sunlight’ is a reflection on the building

view from 14th floor – west side balcony looking west

i was very surprised at how much was completed in my unit....it looks to me like a matter of weeks before i can move in, but i guess the whole floor has to be completely finished before anyone can move in
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It looks like they're getting ready to start some landscaping -- they were evening out the ground in front of the buildings, and the new sidewalk has gone in. They were also bringing in more appliances the other day. Lots going on every day when I go past!
There's nothing about this project that I don't love... :) Great update.
