So. Freaking. Ugly.

I echo the 80s sentiment. The spacing of the glass is so awkward on this part facing Queen:


... and the rest is just messy.
I like it. I find it visually engaging. Also, I think the massing and scale are quite good for Queen. And much of the messiness will be gone once the building is done.
I don't hate the building, but I can't get over the yellow-ish, plywood-looking panels on the condos above. What is that? They obviously realized the colour scheme didn't look vibrant, but retarded, and didn't continue using the same colour for the base of the building (as per the rendering). Couldn't they change those few panels here and there without bearing a huge amount of expense? Would look more cohesive and less "we're making this up as we go".
I like it. I find it visually engaging. Also, I think the massing and scale are quite good for Queen. And much of the messiness will be gone once the building is done.

Not if the messiness I'm referring to has to do with all the spandrel glass used decoratively.
I don't hate the building, but I can't get over the yellow-ish, plywood-looking panels on the condos above. What is that? They obviously realized the colour scheme didn't look vibrant, but retarded, and didn't continue using the same colour for the base of the building (as per the rendering). Couldn't they change those few panels here and there without bearing a huge amount of expense? Would look more cohesive and less "we're making this up as we go".

The "yellow-ish, plywood-looking panels on the condo above" have always been in the renderings if you are referring to the yellow spandrel panels that are splashed here and there. They are mean to pick up the colour of the buff bricks and bring it into the glass-walled portion of the building too. One can choose to see it as a mess (as per Spire), or as a playful way to make the complex cohesive.

Copying current's photos from the Parade thread, which give us a new perspective on the Queen and Portland project:


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Hoardings are down. It's kind of hulking but I don't mind it. The retail has very high ceilings. From today:





Soulless and very much awkward, in my opinion. The window spacing along Queen, the over-use of opaque glass, the awkward massing... nothing here really looks "just right" or "makes sense".
I'm glad they left the trees alone on the side facing Queen. That will at least partially disguise it during the summer.
