"I think projects like that reflect the future of this city," says Adam Vaughan, alderman for Toronto's Trinity-Spadina.

Alderman? Haven't heard that term used in forever.

"The only restriction I put on my leasing guys was no food operations. You can't have that in a high-end condo project."

I don't understand that comment. I wouldn't mind having a high-end restaurant or deli on the ground floor of my condo.
I'm pretty sure I had read earlier it was going to be a Sobey's Urban Fresh (Fare) store.

They still use Alderman in Chicago.
If it's anything like the Sobeys in Queens Quay Terminal, it'll be a huge ripoff and probably not a great contribution to this neighbourhood. It might draw wealthier people from King West area (who won't remain wealthy for long at those prices), but everyone else will continue to commute to the big No Frills at Dufferin Mall.
If it's anything like the Sobeys in Queens Quay Terminal, it'll be a huge ripoff and probably not a great contribution to this neighbourhood. It might draw wealthier people from King West area (who won't remain wealthy for long at those prices), but everyone else will continue to commute to the big No Frills at Dufferin Mall.

Or, for the more hardcore (and Sobeys products to boot), the Price Chopper behind the Gladstone.
It's sad to hear how clueless some developers are.

"Every developer wanted to put a 22 story condo" and "I mixed retail and condos and the numbers were there"

Hello? Shouldn't this be a no brainer?

I also agree that comment about food services is pretty ignorant. So if you threw something like North 44 in the base of my building it only goes to show my building isn't classy. Sure....
These restrictions are usually unfair or thoughtless, and it will potentially produce a bland retail environment. Some condominiums restrict their retail units to chains and many ban restaurants, for instance.
I believe that the food operations comment concerns smells from any restaurant pervading the units. I have also been told that restaurants mean increased insurance costs for residents living in the condos above because of the greater likelihood of a fire.

Apparently, construction should begin in October. The condo is around 60% sold, but they are not waiting to fill a quota because the commercial portion is enough to drive the thing.

Tentative occupancy summer 2010.
This is a well designed project with good intentions and the major benefit will be the filling in of that parking lot that creates a gap on the otherwise interesting Queen Street West. Now about rebuilding the structures lost to The Fire.
A tad bit off topic, but the rundown houses on Portland between King and Adelaide are up for sale. The sale sign suggests a "development" opportunity.
